First-aid kit from a doctor’s office: All this must contain

by time news
  • NOM-005-SSA3-2010 establishes the minimum infrastructure and equipment requirements for establishments for outpatient medical care.
  • Within its content, it emphasizes that any medical office must have a first-aid kit.
  • It is forbidden to profit from drugs because their objective is to attend to any type of emergency that occurs with patients.

Opening your own medical office implies great responsibilities that range from complying with various procedures to having a well-equipped first-aid kit. These are mandatory requirements that must be followed to avoid having legal problems. In addition, they are also useful aspects to attend to any situation that may occur with patients. Therefore it is valuable information that you should know.

Having the willingness to undertake is necessary in any health professional. The problem is that it is a subject that is often not taught in medical schools. The consequence is that there are young people who want to become their own bosses but do not know everything that is required.

The first point that must be met is financial because opening a healthcare space is not cheap. It is not only about the rent of the premises but also the purchase of professional furniture and making the necessary adaptations. In addition, there are other expenses such as the salaries of collaborators and the payment of services such as water and electricity, among others.

Mandatory legal requirements to open a medical office

In addition to the above, the legal part follows, which is too important to comply with before the inauguration. It doesn’t matter if it’s about medical, dental, nutrition, spas, micropigmentation or alternative medicine offices because everyone must comply with at least 7 procedures.

  • Electronic signature of the SAT.
  • Notice of Operation of the City Council.
  • Technical Opinion of the City Council.
  • Office Operation Notice.
  • Office Advertising Notice.
  • RPBI contract.
  • Fumigation Contract.

Requirements that a medical office must meet

However, from the beginning it should be clear that a doctor’s office is different from a pharmacy and therefore cannot have drugs for sale within your work space. It is an unconscious mistake that health professionals often make. It seems like a minor issue but it may be a reason for the closure of the place.

On the other hand, NOM-005-SSA3-2010 establishes the minimum infrastructure and equipment requirements for establishments for the medical care of outpatients. This is a document that absolutely all doctors should know.

Within its content, it emphasizes that Any medical office, regardless of whether it is general or specialized, must have a first-aid kit. It also describes the basic content that it must have to attend to any type of emergency that occurs with patients.

Contents of the first aid kit of a doctor’s office

With this in mind, the first-aid kit should include dressings, cotton, sterile drapes, gauze pads, sterile surgical gloves, disposable syringes with needles of various sizes, suture material, antiseptic solutions, adhesive tape, test strips for blood glucose determination, and bandages. elastic various measures.

Also drugs such as analgesics, local analgesics, antidiarrheals, antiemetics, antihistamines, antihypertensives, anti-inflammatories, antipyretics, bronchodilators, corticosteroids, oral electrolytes, and coronary vasodilators.

All medicines and supplies must be current, have a sanitary registry, labeled in Spanish, and be stored according to the instructions that come on the package. In the case of being a private office, they should not have medications from the Public Health Sector.

Also read:

How often should you fumigate your medical office according to Cofepris?

7 mandatory procedures for a medical office according to Cofepris

List of medications that you must have in your office according to the NOM

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