40 thousand participated and also the mayor, 54-year-old Racha came first in the women’s division

by time news

Today, Friday 03/17/2023, the Winner Jerusalem International Marathon was held for the 12th time.

About 40,000 people participated in the event, of which about 30,000 people ran a breathtaking route and passed, among other things, the Knesset House, along the walls of the Old City, the Sultan’s Pool, Mishkent Shananim, Mount Zion, the German Colony, Rehavia, the Promenade of the Governor’s Palace, Ammunition Hill, Saker Garden , Mount Scopus, Mount of Olives and other sites. This year about 3,000 runners from all over the world participated in the marathon.

Photography: sportphotography

Along with the many runners, the mayor of Jerusalem, Moshe Leon, also participated this year, who ran with chest number ’10’ in the 10 km leg. “Since its establishment more than a decade ago, the Jerusalem Marathon has become one of the most experiential and professional sports events for all A male and female sprinter in Israel and around the world. I am proud that we were able to hold it with great success. Jerusalem warmed up its engines again today and launched many participants of all ages, who came to take part in the largest sports event in the country in the sports capital of Israel. I congratulate the marathon runners and wish everyone a happy marathon holiday. See you at the next marathon on March 8, 2024,” emphasized the mayor of Jerusalem, Moshe Leon.

Jerusalem Marathon - Moshe Leon
Photography: sportphotography

The winner of the full marathon is: Noah Kigen Kiprotich, 34 years old from Kenya in a time of 2:18:13.

The second to arrive is Chakib Latrache, 34 years old from Spain, in a time of 2:25:45. Third place came to Gamber Malkamo, 38 years old from Israel, in a time of: 2:28:30.

Among the women, Margaret Njuguna, 54 years old, from Kenya won the first place – with a time of 2:52:44. The second place was won by Elena Tolstykh, 39 years old from Russia – with a time of: 2:55:31. In third place is Noa Barkman, 34 years old from Israel – in a time of: 2:59:12

Blessing Afrifa, the Israeli world champion in the 200m run, today accompanied the community race of the Winner Jerusalem Marathon, with over 2,500 participants from dozens of corporate organizations and non-profit organizations in Israel.

The Winner Jerusalem International Marathon consisted of six legs: a full marathon race (42.195 km), a half marathon race (21.1 km), a 10 km race, a 5 km leg and a family race of 1.7 km.

The Winner Jerusalem Marathon is also the largest social marathon in Israel, as part of which there is a special 800-meter long social leg, in which thousands ran for various social associations partnering with the marathon.

First place in the full marathon division won $3,750, second place won $2,500, and third place won $1,250.

With the end of the marathon, all roads in the city of Jerusalem were opened to full vehicular traffic (with the exception of Rupin Street which is still blocked for the sake of dismantling infrastructure). Accordingly, the preparation and the special police activity of the Jerusalem district came to an end.

The Israel Police acted from early in the morning to maintain the peace, security and safety of the participants in the race organized by the Jerusalem Municipality. Over 1,300 police officers, security guards and volunteers worked alongside hundreds of ushers and security guards for security, maintaining order and directing traffic throughout the city. In addition, the police worked to reduce as much as possible the damage to the routine of life in the city and directed the road users to alternative routes.

The Commissioner of Police, RN Ya’akov Shabtai, arrived at the police headquarters and together with the district commander, Superintendent Doron Turgeman, conducted a tour of the marathon route where they visited the police officers and MGB soldiers deployed in the field in the various missions and met many citizens who participated in the various stages .

Beyond the extensive operational deployment during the race, a variety of police measures were used from the ground and from the air to maintain the safety of the participants and maintain public order.

The activity at the command of the Jerusalem Police Department was conducted in coordination with the Jerusalem Municipality together with the emergency and rescue forces.

Jerusalem Marathon - policeman
Photo: Police spokeswoman
Jerusalem Marathon - Policemen - Traffic
Photo: Police spokeswoman
Jerusalem Marathon - Policeman - Dog
Photo: Police spokeswoman
Jerusalem Marathon - Shoter - Segway
Photo: Police spokeswoman
Jerusalem Marathon - police officer
Photo: Police spokeswoman
Jerusalem Marathon
Photography: sportphotography
Jerusalem Marathon
Photography: sportphotography
Jerusalem Marathon
Photography: sportphotography
Jerusalem Marathon - medal
Photography: sportphotography
Jerusalem Marathon
Photography: sportphotography
Jerusalem Marathon
Photography: sportphotography

Photo: Police spokeswoman

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