“Politics is not about pressure”

by time news

After five days of silence, the second vice president of the Government responds to Podemos. The purples had threatened the leader of Sumar not to attend the launch event of her candidacy if there had not been a prior negotiation between the two teams to close a bilateral coalition between the two actors and if the commitment to hold primaries had not been agreed. open ahead of the next general elections.

The órdago of the purple ones is total. They demand, at least, a minimum agreement, to go to the photo in which the vice president has invited all the formations and where, at the end of the month or the beginning of April, she will announce if she is running as a candidate for the December elections, or not. Some pressure that the vice president’s team has not liked and that, until now, they have avoided responding in public. The purples have denounced that the negotiations with Sumar are stopped and that for the moment, Díaz has not responded to her proposal to agree on a bilateral coalition between Podemos and Sumar.

After a week in which the vice president has had a very tight official schedule, this Friday, the vice president has starred in an act on mental health, “Work precariousness and mental health: knowledge and policies”, together with the leader of Más País, Íñigo Errejón, with whom he has shown political harmony. Díaz has answered the purple ones, without naming them: “Politics is about talking about people’s visas, it is not about noise, it is not about strength or pressure, it is about working. Yes, from different positions, but always complementary and knowing that you have a common challenge, which is to improve the country”.

The purples put pressure on the vice president with the aim of closing a pact before the regional elections, fearing that on 28-M they could lose relevant positions and they will not have the same strength to negotiate with Díaz. A pressure that the rest of the left forces that aspire to reach an agreement to Sumar have not liked. From Más País to Compromís and passing through IU and the Comunes have confirmed that they will be presenting the candidacy and foreseeably at the highest level, while Podemos conditions the level of their representation to the pact they agree on beforehand. Purple sources assure that they are not going to expose their first swords, such as the ministers Ione Belarra or Irene Montero, to a photo in which Díaz has not previously confirmed that she will be the candidate of Podemos. Precisely this Friday the leader of Podemos acknowledged that she had made no progress with the negotiation with Sumar.

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