The 68 works by Picasso that will be exhibited in A Corua have arrived

by time news

The exhibition that vindicates its Galician side opens on Thursday, for which the pieces have traveled under strict security measures

18 mar 2023 . Updated at 2:17 p.m.

Picasso lived four years in A Corua, from 1891 to 1895. During that time, which coincided with his adolescence, he learned to paint, had his first exhibition and laid the foundations for the artist who, over the years, would become one of the most important in history. the exhibition White Picasso on Blue Record, Promoted by the Xunta, it precisely vindicates the palpable Galician imprint in his work. In next Thursday officially opened at the Museum of Fine Arts in A Corua. A day later the general public will be able to visit it.

This is the only Galician exhibition included in the official program of the Picasso Celebration 1973-2023 promoted by the Muse National Picasso-Paris and the National Commission for the Commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the painter’s death. In it you can see 68 works by its author who are already in the museum, where they arrived under strict security measures and in coordination with the lending institutions

In total they are 35 national and international institutionsas well as private collectors, who donate pieces such as the Picasso Museum in Barcelona, ​​the Almine and Bernard Ruiz-Picasso Foundation for Art (ALUBIA), the Muse National Picasso-Paris, the Picasso Museum in Antibes, the Reina Sofa Museum, the Picasso Museum in Malaga , Museo Casa Natal de Picasso de Málaga, Abanca, A Coruña City Council, Pablo Picasso Higher School of Art and Design of A Coruña, Diputación de A Coruña, Camilo José Cela Foundation, Fundación Museo de Artes do Gravado Estampa Digital de Ribeira, Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando and Museum of the University of Navarra

The exhibition is curated by Antn Castro, Maln Gual and Rubn Ventureira, who since March 2021 have worked with the director of the Museum of Fine Arts of A Corua, Ángeles Penas, and the museum’s technical-facultative team.

Anniversary in April

This will be the only exhibition framed in the official program of the Picasso Celebration 1973-2023, promoted by the Museo Nacional Picasso-Paris and the National Commission for the Commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the artist’s death, which will be held in the community.

April 8, 2023 marks the 50th anniversary of his death, which is why the governments of France and Spain agreed to work jointly on an international program through a binational commission that brings together the cultural and diplomatic administrations of both countries.

In this sense, around 50 exhibitions and events will be organized in Europe and North America to pay homage to the Spanish artist and take stock of the investigations and interpretations left by his work.

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