Chilean referee accused of insulting soccer players

by time news

Scandal in Chilean soccer. Referee Nicolás Gamboa was removed from his post after intercom audios insulting soccer players were leaked in his controversial participation in the meeting between Audax Italiano and Universidad Católica.

Nicolás Gamboa, referee suspended for insulting players.

“Shut up, motherfucker”, “ahueonao culiao” and “play football motherfucker”are the expressions that were registered by the electronic device and that earned the referee the suspension of the Chilean tournament and his calls for the Libertadores Cup and the South American Cup.


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In addition, the Italian team filed a formal complaint with the Disciplinary Court of the National Association of Professional Football of Chile (ANFP) to seek possible sanctions, which They could reach 50 games if they confirm the violation of various articles of the regulation.

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In order to impose its case, the Chilean club added Roberto Tobar as a witness, the fourth referee in that match who confirmed Gamboa’s insults and, although he tried to lower his tone, complicated it in the investigation. “When Tobar testified as a witness, he confirmed that the insults were in the intercom recording. Gamboa said that there is no evidence, but yesterday Tobar admits it,” La Tercera maintains about the judicial process.

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Roberto Tobar, the key witness.Roberto Tobar, the key witness.

One of those who was directly attacked by the referee was Marcelo Díaz. The former midfielder Racing and current Audax player publicly exposed the crossing with the whistle: “CWhen a referee like Nicolás Gamboa comes, who insults us and treats us badly, he distorts the game. He doesn’t do it only with the Audax and Católica players, but with everyone. We must stop that. That’s why the game ends like this.”

I spoke to him, without disrespecting him, but with his arrogance and disrespect the duel slipped out of his hands. If you ask anyone, they will say the same thing. We are professionals and this cannot happen,” she added.

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