Community Nursing: Important service to elderly people from the City of Vienna in Turkish

by time news

Neslihan Kutluca , Vienna

VIENNA. short name RRF financed by the European Commission within the framework of the „Austrian Recovery and Resilience Plan“. City Hall of VIenna Soziales Fond One of the pilot projects implemented withCommunity Nursing services were introduced in Turkish. Last week, the partner of the project Pensioners’ Club (Pensionist:innenklub) 20. One of the partners of the project, which was introduced to Turkish speaking citizens at an event held at the Club Hall in Vienna.
“ My World Alternative Life Association “Association.

On behalf of the City of Vienna Vienna Social Fund – Care and Support Services (Viyana Sosyal Fonu Bakım ve Destek Hizmetleri) Bilingual (Turkish-German) information on elderly care and services was appreciated. The participants had fun while answering the questions asked to them in all areas of elderly care and services, both in Turkish and German. Gifts were distributed to many participants who answered the most questions correctly.

The “Community Nursing- Community Nursing” team organized a workshop with the theme “Social environment for all – offers and access” in German and Turkish, and it was observed that the elderly Turkish speaking citizens, who had a pleasant time, left the studies satisfied.

affiliated with the City of Vienna “Nursing and support services for Vienna Social Fund” Upon his invitation, Yeni Vatan Newspaper attended the meeting. The City of Vienna, which provides the best service to elderly people in the world, regardless of religion, language, race and origin. “Social Vienna Fund” This study of the institution for Turkish speaking citizens was colored with many questions by the participants. “ My World Alternative Life Association The project, which is also supported by the association named “, showed once again that the human wishes and problems of Turkish immigrants, who have come to retirement, should be put under scrutiny for a dignified life in old age.

Interactive interactive work, from the participants
received great acclaim

In the workshop, which proceeded interactively with questions and answers, expert consultants also informed the participants about the institutions they would receive help and support from. The study, which was carried out by providing bilingual (Turkish-German) information on many subjects from the health system to which institutions to apply in case of illness, injury and accident, from care allowance to access to social service institutions, was highly appreciated by the Turkish participants.

In short interviews with the participants on behalf of Yeni Vatan Newspaper, many participants
He stated that they were pleased with the information and visual presentation in Turkish, especially the interactive question-answer activity that provided entertaining moments.

“Atmosphere was very good”

Hanife Anıl, 54, an expert in harmony, said that the information workshop, which was supported by visuals and turned into a game with a question-answer activity, made people feel good. “It was great that the event was bilingual and visual. Since there is information in Turkish, the participants are mostly immigrants, and the aim of the study is to provide diversity. The atmosphere was very good, he made people feel very welcome.” said.

Hanife Anıl (54): „It was very nice that it was bilingual, visually focused and game-like, it made people feel good.“

“We both socialized and got informed”

Aydan Aliev (22): „I came to get information for my grandmother, the organization deserves 5 stars.“

Aydan Aliev (23) who came to get information for his grandmother, expressed that he was very pleased with the event and said: “The organization is great, it deserves 5 stars. I hope this workshop, which is very useful and very informative, will be repeated often. This organization needs to continue, because you can’t easily find this information everywhere.”

Sevim Kuşkan (73): “I had a great time and I was informed.”

Sevim Kuşkan, 73, who was entitled to receive gifts by answering many of the questions and attracted attention with her colorful and fun personality, stated that she found the organization quite successful. “I came to Vienna at the age of 22, spent 51 years here. Thanks to the workshop, I gained knowledge on many subjects. They enlightened us very well, thank you very much. I had a great time in a very fun environment” said.

İhsan Tolunay (62): “We both socialized and informed”

One of the participants, İhsan Tolunay, stated that the workshop organized by “Community Nursing” was very beneficial for them. “People of our age need activities like this because this information is not easily available from anywhere. In addition, thanks to such organizations, we come together with our peers, engage in social activities and get informed. That’s why it is very useful and important for us to have such organizations both in terms of our socialization and in terms of our information. “ expressed in his words.

Community Nursing-what is it?

“Community Nursing”, one of the pilot projects implemented with the financing provided by the European Commission within the framework of the Austrian Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRF for short), provides support and consultancy to improve public health.

“Community Nursing” is a new project of the City of Vienna serving in the 3rd, 11th, 15th, 20th and 21st districts. The pilot project, which is planned to continue until the end of 2024, provides services for the elderly and their relatives. Community Nurse consists of qualified health personnel and caregivers who have extensive knowledge of health. Community Nurses, who know how to act in health-related problems and have extensive knowledge on the protection of health, aim to facilitate the daily life of the elderly and their relatives. (, Neslihan Kutlucan)

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