These are the ‘trick’ questions that the medical court will ask you

by time news

The Social Security look carefully at the permanent work disabilities. Beyond having a recognized sick leave and receiving a pension for temporary disability, a worker can claim to have a off-side physical or mental to perform a long-term professional activity. So, he goes into a process to evaluate, review and confirm your ailments. In this way, you have the right to collect a pension of permanent disability, a financial benefit that tries to cover the loss of income of the affected person. One of the tests that must be passed is that of medical court, which certifies the disqualification. To do this, it not only requires all the medical reports that it deems appropriate, but question the applicant directly. However, what they seem common questions they can also be little traps to verify the veracity of the facts.

He medical court is in charge of inspecting permanent work disabilities. It’s a mandatory process for anyone with a common or professional illness who wishes to request a long-term leave. It is run by the Disability Assessment Team (EVI or analogous denomination depending on each autonomous community), which is a body dependent on the National Institute of la Social Security (INSS) or, in the case of Cataloniafrom Ministry of Health.

A 135 business day process

This team is made up of doctors and Social Security representatives, who will be in charge of assessing the claimant’s benefit status. Also determine what economic benefits the applicant can receive, or what jobs can and cannot be performed. However, since the request is submitted, the authority has a maximum period of 135 business days to issue a resolution. In addition, the types of permanent disability that can be granted are five: partial, total, total qualified, absolute and severe disability.

Although the role of the medical court is not audit citizensyou have to ask all kinds of questions about the accident or illness you suffered to know exactly the severity of the effects of the disease or illness, both in daily life and at work. In addition to requesting the appropriate documentation, if necessary, you can also ask the applicant to carry out different movements or maneuvers to make sure of her physical condition.

frequently asked questions

Be that as it may, the questions that the court usually asks are ordinary, but for this reason they should not be taken lightly. These are some of the most frequent questions that lead to a certain trap:

How are you? For the court it is very important to know the patient’s feelings and it is often an issue that helps to relax the atmosphere and that the patient himself does not see the court as an intimidating entity.

Have you improved from your illness or injury in the time you have been on leave? This question has a central objective: to explore the possibility that, as a result of an improvement, the citizen may have options to recover permanently or have a lower degree of disability than was initially expected.

Have you come alone or accompanied? This seemingly innocuous question is intended to find out if the citizen who has requested disability has some independence and is capable of moving around independently.

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What position do you work? This question also has a background, since it explores the possibility that the worker, if he cannot carry out his current function in his company, will be able to carry out other jobs, either in that same company or in another place.

What kind of tasks did you used to carry out on a daily basis? It is a question directly connected to the previous one, since it seeks the same information. Knowing the tasks will make it easier to know if you can keep the position or not, something that in practice also defines the degree of permanent disability in the event that it is granted.

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