Emmanuel Macron’s agenda sparks rumors on social networks

by time news

But where has Emmanuel Macron gone? Since yesterday, the question has been on everyone’s lips and the rumor is swelling on social networks: the head of state has fled the country. The Elysian agenda is empty and the routes of the presidential fleet are making the Twittersphere react. But for the moment, the scenario of his flight abroad is somewhat fantasized.

According to custom, the office of the President of the French Republic takes care of publishing the President’s agenda on the official site of the Élysée. No information has been released since yesterday.

Presidential fleet planes on the move

More than 6000 people gathered yesterday on the Place de la Concorde in reaction to Elisabeth Borne’s announcement to use article 49.3. Did the president get scared? Many think so and some even insinuate that he would have… fled!

It is true that the activity of the presidential air fleet raises questions. According to the last movements observed, we note that for two days, 4 of the 7 planes that make it up have been mobilized to make several round trips.

For example, on March 17, the Dassault Falcon 2000EX took off from the military and presidential airport of Villacoublay/Velizy around 8 a.m., to land around 11 a.m. at Air Base 115 Orange/Caritat. He made the same trip in the opposite direction a short time later.

On constate movements similar the day before yesterday. First of all, it should be noted that this fleet is not only responsible for the air transport of the President of the Republic, but also that of ministers and high authorities. In addition, no machine left the territory of Metropolitan France. The scenario of Emmanuel Macron’s flight abroad therefore seems somewhat fantasized for the moment.

A reinforced security system for elected officials

However, this does not mean that the president still resides at the Élysée Palace, nor that the deputies of the Renaissance group do not fear for their own safety.

Since Friday, the social movement has hardened rapidly and dozens of spontaneous demonstrations have been organized throughout France. The president of the Renaissance deputies, Aurore Bergé, worried possible “retaliations” incurred by the elected representatives of the presidential camp. The Minister of the Interior assured him in return “that the protection of elected officials is currently and more than ever the priority of his ministry” and that surveillance around parliamentary offices would be reinforced.

It can be noted that the Paris police headquarters did not seem so worried on the eve of the parliamentary vote when a prior declaration of demonstrations had been filed by the unions in case 49.3 was adopted. The prefecture had authorized a convergence of gatherings towards Concorde, near the Elysée Palace this Friday.

Regarding the President of the Republic, no announcement yet suggests that he fears for his safety. Will he end up taking the floor to renew his invitation “come get me” to the malcontents?

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