Nicaragua withdraws its ambassadors in Brazil and Panama for offering nationality to the exiles

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Regime removes the Nicaraguan ambassador in Brazil

For the second consecutive day, this Thursday the Daniel Ortega regime canceled another appointment of ambassador in one of the countries that offered nationality to the exiled Nicaraguans. On this occasion, he canceled the appointment of Lorena del Carmen Martínez in the position of Nicaraguan ambassador to Brazil, through Presidential Agreement 23-2023, published in La Gaceta, the official newspaper of the State of Nicaragua.

Brazil and Panama are part of a group of countries that made their national mechanisms available to offer nationality to more than 300 Nicaraguans who were left stateless for being opponents of the Ortega dictatorial regime. Spain, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Mexico are other countries that expressed solidarity with the denationalized and offered their citizenships.

Martínez held the position of ambassador in Brazil since July 2013, while the Nicaraguan ambassador in Panama, Marvin Roberto Ortega Rodríguez, held that position since September 2016.

Particularly in the case of Brazil, La Gaceta this Thursday reported the appointment of Gadiel Osmani Arce Zepeda in the position of Minister Counselor with Consular Functions of the Nicaraguan embassy in Brazil.

Other canceled appointments

On the other hand, Rodrigo Coronel Kinloch, nephew of former Vice Chancellor Manuel Coronel Kautz, was also removed from five posts, in what critics consider yet another case of nepotism in the foreign service. It is also known that other relatives and nephews of Colonel Kautz hold public positions in the Ortega government.

Through Presidential Agreement 24-2023, Ortega canceled the appointment of Colonel in the positions of:

Ambassador of Nicaragua in South Korea, which he has held since 2020.

Ambassador of Nicaragua in the State of Brunei Darussalam, which he has held since 2021.

Nicaraguan Ambassador to the Philippines, which he also held since 2021.

Ambassador of Nicaragua in the Commonwealth of Australia, which he has held since 2019.

Ambassador of Nicaragua in the Kingdom of Thailand, which he also held since 2019.

Only in the case of the Nicaraguan embassy in South Korea, Ortega made a new appointment. Through Ministerial Agreement 12-2023, also published this Thursday, Zhenia Ruth Arce Zepeda was appointed Minister Counselor with Consular Functions of the Nicaraguan embassy in South Korea.

Daniel Ortega withdraws the ambassador in Brazil days after this country offered nationality to the stateless

The Daniel Ortega regime dismissed Lorena del Carmen Martínez, who served as Nicaragua’s ambassador to Brazil, after the Brazilian government offered nationality to the 317 Nicaraguans who were left stateless last February.

This measure was issued through the presidential agreement 23-2023 published this Thursday in La Gaceta, Official Gazette, where the regime annulled this appointment of Martínez, which was contained in the presidential agreement 142-2013.

The diplomat will be replaced by Gadiel Osmani Arce Zepeda as Minister Counselor with “Consular Functions” of Nicaragua before Brazil, this announcement is included in ministerial agreement 11-2023.

It was on March 7 that Brazil expressed concern about the deterioration of human rights in Nicaragua and reaffirmed its humanitarian commitment “with the protection of stateless persons and the reduction of statelessness” to offer the 317 Nicaraguans nationality.

Tovar da Silva Nunes, Brazil’s ambassador to the Human Rights Council in Geneva, Switzerland, told 100% Noticias: “We have a statute in our migration legislation that allows us to welcome people without nationalities” to legalize their stay in the country. of those who choose to accept it voluntarily.

The Brazilian diplomat stated that his country was willing to offer the possibility of examining the cases of people who are without nationality parallel to this situation, looking for “the best way for us to have the possibility of a constructive solution and dialogue.”

Korean ambassador removed

The Nicaraguan ambassador in Korea, Rodrigo Coronel Kinloch, was removed from his position based in Seoul through presidential agreement 24-2023. The Daniel Ortega regime announced in the La Gaceta newspaper without specifying the reasons for the withdrawal, the diplomat had been Appointed to the position on November 17, 2020.

Rodrigo Coronel Kinloch will be replaced by Zhenia Ruth Arce Zepeda as Minister Counselor with “Consular Functions” of Nicaragua before Korea, the measure was adopted in ministerial agreement 12-2023.

Daniel Ortega withdraws his ambassador in Panama after criticism of statelessness from that government

The Daniel Ortega regime dismissed Marvin Roberto Ortega Rodríguez, who served as Nicaragua’s ambassador to Panama, after the Panamanian government criticized the statelessness of 317 Nicaraguans and requested the annulment of this measure.

The response came from Ortega two weeks later, through the presidential agreement 21-2023 disclosed this Wednesday in La Gaceta, Official Gazette, where the regime annulled this appointment of Ortega Rodríguez, who was contained in the presidential agreement 196-2016 .

Ortega Rodríguez served as extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of Nicaragua to Panama since September 29, 2016.

At the same time, Ortega appointed Consuelo Sandoval Meza as Minister Counselor with “Consular Functions” of Nicaragua before Panama, through ministerial agreement 10-2023.

Panama Reviews

On March 1, the Panamanian government expressed its “concern” over the “recent actions” of the Nicaraguan Executive in the area of ​​human rights and said that it trusts that the measures that left more than 300 Nicaraguans stateless will be annulled.

Panama hopes “that the decisions adopted by the Government of Nicaragua in matters inherent to citizenship, expatriation and nationality, which have affected the lives of more than 300 Nicaraguans, can be resolved in a sustainable manner with the annulment of said measures, in favor of safeguarding the rights of this group of people,” said a statement from the Foreign Ministry.

“Thus, Panama as a country party to the Conventions against Statelessness, will consider all requests made to our country within the framework of these legal instruments,” added the Government of Laurentino Cortizo in the official statement.

Nicaragua has withdrawn the nationality of 317 Nicaraguans, among them the writers Sergio Ramírez and Gioconda Belli, the bishops Rolando Álvarez, the former commander of the revolution Luis Carrión, the legendary ex-guerrilla Dora María Téllez, the veteran human rights defender Vilma Núñez, the journalist Carlos Fernando Chamorro, among others, all very critical of the government of Daniel Ortega.

“Humanity’s commitment to the obligation to overcome statelessness summons us all,” said the Government of Panama, and made a “call to the Nicaraguan Government to guarantee the inescapable right of people to maintain a nationality, as a right enshrined in the legislation of all our countries”.

Fuente: Nodal Agency | The Press | 100% News

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