Carnival in Venice and Rio: The most beautiful carnival traditions worldwide | life & knowledge

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In Germany, there are kilometer-long Shrove Monday parades, floats, camels, Funkenmariechen, Jecke and Büttenreden carnival to it. And how is it elsewhere?

The fools are also very active internationally. Read more about carnival customs from around the world here.

The Wild Samba Carnival in Rio (Brazil)

In Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), Carnival begins on the Friday before Ash Wednesday. People come here from all over the world to see the colorful processions. There is vigorous samba dancing. The wearers often have to save for months for the elaborate costumes.

But it’s worth it: the carnival parade in Rio is so magnificent and thrilling that everyone simply has to join in the celebrations.

One of the famous Brazilian samba dancers

Photo: AFP

Super Elegant: Carnival in Venice (Italy)

The Venetian carnival is elegant, romantic and stylish.

It begins with a torchlight procession and drummers in St. Mark’s Square and lasts 12 days. On the second day the “flight of the dove” takes place. A giant papier-mâché dove distributes confetti. Countless balloons are released. Here, too, there are balls and parties on the carnival weekend.

On St. Mark's Square in Venice

During Carnival time, a big parade takes place in St. Mark’s Square in Venice


The costumes at the Venetian carnival are magnificent and mostly historically inspired: colorful harlequins and masks with beads, rhinestones and feathers. The lagoon city itself is the most beautiful setting for the magnificently dressed fools.

Also interesting: a crazy tradition in the Italian city Ivrea. On the Sunday before Ash Wednesday there is traditionally an orange fight! Around 3000 participants throw tons of citrus fruits at each other. The custom dates back to the Middle Ages and is reminiscent of a rebellion by the townspeople at the time.

Carnival Football in Derbyshire (UK)

Brits mix carnival with their favorite sport — soccer. Ashbourne (Derbyshire Dale) has a special game on Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday: the Shrovetide Football Game (Royal Shrovetide Football).

It has been taking place since at least the 12th century. The playing field is five kilometers wide and everyone can take part. That means: All residents run like crazy through the village and try to steer the ball into the goal.

„Mardi Gras“ in New Orleans (USA)

Mardi Gras, “Fat Tuesday”, is THE carnival event in the US southern states. Around one million visitors are expected each year.

In New Orleans, people celebrate with beaded necklaces, parties and colorfully decorated floats. These strings of beads are thrown from the balconies and everyone collects as many as they can. Even celebrities get on the car for it.

Musicians parading through New Orleans' French Quarter

Musicians parading through New Orleans’ French Quarter

Photo: Kathleen Flynn/AP

“Mardi Gras” was first celebrated under the former colonial power France in the early 18th century.

Women’s carnival and candy rain in Germany

Especially in the Rhenish carnival strongholds, the foolish days are a real celebration highlight.

It all starts on the Thursday before Ash Wednesday: In many places, women in costume storm the town halls and cut off the men’s ties.

On Carnival Sunday and especially on Shrove Monday there are long carnival parades. Decorated floats and colorful music groups parade through the streets, cheered on by spectators who are also in costume. Sweets and other small gifts “rain” from the wagons.

In Cologne, on the night of Ash Wednesday, straw dolls (“Nubbel”) are burned to the accompaniment of gloomy drumming. On Ash Wednesday, the carnivalists meet for the traditional fish meal.

Other interesting carnival traditions

  • It’s rough in the Dominican Republic to. In the city of La Vega, the “Carnaval vegano” takes place every year. Eye-catcher: the limping devils who hit the spectators with sacks and balloons.
  • if in Finland When a Finn says “Liukasta Laskiaista” at carnival, he wishes you a “Slippery sledding day!” and looks forward to a rapid descent from a snow-covered hill.
  • On Tenerife the men have to complete an obstacle course on high heels during the carnival season to the amusement of the spectators.

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