“Scientific societies always alongside doctors on the front line”

by time news

“During the pandemic, we had a clear idea of ​​what the contribution of medical scientific societies in supporting doctors on the front line, on various floors. From the technical-scientific point of view, with indications and protocols, but also from the point of view of medico-legal protection for all health professionals “. This was stated by Adnkronos Salute Domenico Gabrielli, National Councilor FISM (Italian Federation of Medical Scientific Societies), received this morning at Palazzo Giustiniani by the President of the Senate Casellati, a few days before the National Day for Women’s Health.

“Medical scientific societies – recalls Gabrielli, who is also president of the National Association of Hospital Cardiologists (Anmco) – have shown that they can play a very important role in the management of the organizational scientific priorities of the pandemic itself linked to the health needs expressed in the various fields. As Anmco we have produced a series of protocols which they have tried to cover in the initial phase of the pandemic, the most acute and serious, those that were the most important problems emerged immediately. Among these, how to treat acute myocardial infarction in Covid positive patients, how to organize the network of cardiologies in the context of the pandemic. Not only Anmco but many other scientific societies have proposed these guidelines “.

“Furthermore, like Fism – he adds – we intervened to propose one series of attentions and adjustments towards healthcare personnel and doctors who found themselves in the first phase of response to the pandemic, such as the insurance coverage of people who worked in the health field ”.

According to Gabrielli, the role of scientific societies will also be decisive in the post-Covid phase. “The pandemic is and will be an epochal event on the organization of the NHS – Gabrielli has no doubts – because it has revealed a series of flaws that until now had remained covered thanks to the good will of the individual or to the fact that some needs were not as urgent as instead they proved themselves with the SarS-CoV-2 health emergency. And once again the scientific societies are and will be of support to the regulatory bodies to reorganize the Italian health system ”.

Aboutthe 15.63 billion for Health provided by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (Pnrr) according to Gabrielli “are not enough to rebuild the National Health Service. The concern is that they are not enough to modify the whole NHS. We know little about the objectives of these investments but they will not be enough to make the medical profession attractive ”.

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