Anticontouring: the makeup trend that prioritizes the naturalness of the face

by time news

The less you put on makeup, the better for anticontouring. This method of personal grooming prefers to show off the skin natural, disengaging as much as possible from the layers of foundations, powders and concealers.

Anticontouring: the makeup trend that prioritizes the naturalness of the face

Last update: March 19, 2023

A clean, hydrated and radiant skin is the purpose of the anticontouring. It means showing the complexion as it is, without the need to camouflage it under so many pigments. However, it does not mean a divorce from makeup, since it accepts the use of light substances and a minimum of color.

This technique does not emphasize faction marking, as proposed by the makeup conventional. Here, primacy goes to preparing the face to showcase the royal complexion.

In this way, the “anti-contour” (in its translation) promotes the importance of caring for skin as delicate as facial. Let’s deepen the naturalness that rescues the anticounturing, a whole novelty in the world of beauty.

What is the “anticontouring” trend?

He anticontouring It works as an alternative makeup, because encourages grooming without resorting to too many substances which, in the end, create a filter and does not show the skin or the face as they originally are.

The artistic make-up artist Bobbi Brown is the promoter of the trend, considered a rebel for counterbalancing the contouring conventional, which uses bronzer, concealer and other creams to deepen the features and complete a more elaborate makeup.

Instead, “anti-contouring” defends free skin. Your licenses are allowed on those special occasions in which you want to put on makeup, but yes, preferring creams with color and sunscreen, earth eyeliner, a subtle concealer and a moisturizing lip balm.

The flag of the method is that the nakedness of the face shines, without meaning a complex. In social networks, just look for the label #anticontouring to find dozens of tutorials advising on the subject and teaching that the transparency of the face is beautiful.

Basic “anti-contouring” kit

The Spanish Academy of Dermatology and Venereology highlights the relevance of the skin as an organ of social relationship and as a daily business card. Those who suffer from acne, have spots or want to hide marks, find a solution in traditional makeup.

But anticontouring raises acceptance even with the imperfections that the complexion may have. The trend modifies the routines that lead to the application of numerous cosmetics, for the use of few products that are easy to handle and with multiple purposes.

What can’t be missing in your kit anticontouring? Moisturizing and moisturizing creams, sunscreen and balms.

If you want a light touch of color, consider the BB cream o CC creamthe ink or the gloss for the lips. With this short list of cosmetics you get that skin cover letter.

This technique does not forget the sunscreen. It is an indispensable ingredient for skin care makeup.

How to apply “anticontouring”?

If you have the basic items to practice “anti-contouring”, what follows is the preparation of the skin, as this is how it better assimilates the active ingredients. Next, let’s see what this entails skincare:

  • Hygiene: In this first phase you carry out facial cleansing, preferably with a neutral dermatological soap and running water. Rub your face with your fingertips to get rid of dirt, oil and any impurities. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) emphasize that many pathologies can be avoided or controlled if the person respects hygiene, which includes frequent washing of the face.
  • Hydration: hydrate or moisturize the skin with creams that correspond to the characteristics of your skin. Some recommended ingredients in these formulations are vitamins A and C and hyaluronic acid; homemade moisturizers, which contain almond oil or clay, are among the suggestions.
  • Protection: you finish the preparation of the face with the sunscreen, because we do not want the UV rays to wreak havoc on the canvas that represents the skin.

With these instructions, the anticontouring I would be ready. But if you want some color, put a few drops BB cream on face and spread with fingers.

These balms are light and adapt to the skin tone. Complete the look with a brush of highlighter on the eyelids and cheekbones and with ink or lip gloss. Now yes! You already have the “anti-contouring”.

Hydration is the intermediate step of the technique.

What you gain by pampering the skin with the “anticontouring” trend

He anticontouring it’s kind of makeup no makeupdue to the restricted amount of cosmetics. This is beneficial for the skin, since as the American Academy of Dermatology argues, by limiting the number of products in the beauty routine, you minimize the risk of skin irritation, in addition to the signs of aging, resulting from the excessive use of makeup.

And as if that were not enough, “anti-contouring” saves the time you spend on makeup every day. You would groom yourself faster and take the opportunity to do other things at home before going out.

In that same line, the fact of showing the skin of the face as it is, avoids the process of deep make-up removal, which you are forced to do when you wear layers and layers of foundations, concealers, blushes and shadows. Would you try this trend that points to naturalness?

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