Discover Austria: How to make the most of 24 hours in Graz

by time news

Austria is a great travel destination all year round, with plenty of activities to enjoy during the four seasons. However, the warmer months, particularly springtime, have their own advantages.

Throughout March and April, people are coming out of the winter months more than ready to enjoy the mild weather and sunny days. Several attractions open for the public again (just as the ice cream parlours and their long lines announce the start of spring), and the outdoor patios of bars and restaurants are once again available.

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Here’s what you can expect when travelling to Austria this spring.

Covid rules and the pandemic situation

The pandemic seems to have ended in most countries, and Austria is no exception. First of all, there are currently no entry restrictions if you are travelling to Austria. This means you won’t need to show any proof that you were vaccinated or tested negative for Covid-19.

On March 1st, the capital Vienna took a significant step in abolishing the FFP2 mask mandate in its public transport system. So, unless you plan on visiting a hospital or a care centre (or you test positive for Covid), you’re unlikely to be needing a mask this spring and summer months in Austria.

From May, the mask mandate falls even in hospitals, nursing homes and doctor’s offices.

As of July, all other measures will end with the expiration of the Covid Measures Act. Covid-19 will no longer be a notifiable disease, so people who test positive won’t have to follow any particular protocol. Currently, they must adhere to certain restrictions for ten days, depending on the province.

READ ALSO: Austria to drop all Covid restrictions by the end of June

The pandemic numbers have been steady for months in Austria, which prompted specialists and politicians to drop the restrictions. Despite a relatively high incidence rate (450.7), the number of patients that require intensive care has remained low, according to broadcaster ORF.


With that, Austria’s “corona traffic light”, an official tool that assesses the Covid-19 situation in Austria, has put most of the country at “low” or “medium” risk. As spring comes, the perspective is that cases of all aerial-borne diseases such as Covid and the flu will continue to drop.

Weather in spring in Austria

The mild temperatures, averaging between 10C and 20C, make it a great time to enjoy activities such as hiking, cycling and sightseeing without the sweltering heat of summer – or the biting cold of winter.

As summer approaches, temperatures tend to increase. However, you might get a few surprise bouts of cold, especially in April, a month that, as the Austrian saying goes, “does what it wants”.  It could even snow in Vienna, for example.

Weather in Austria can also vary drastically from the western Alpine region to the lowlands of the east, so keep that in mind when travelling.

In summer, temperatures climb with highs nearing 30C, but heat waves can bring thermometers even higher.

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Spring is a great time for visiting a Heuriger. (Photo by JOE KLAMAR / AFP)

Wine season and traditional foods

Spring is also the time when some of Austria’s major wine festivals take place. From April to June, the new wines are celebrated. In addition, people can visit wine cellars, participate in hikes through Vienna’s wine regions, and enjoy the season in one of the great Heurigers surrounding the capital.

Though the traditional Weinwandertagthe official hiking day(s), only takes place in September, the paths and beautiful hiking trails are open and blooming in spring.

READ ALSO: Six of the best things to do in spring in Vienna

In Austria, spring means asparagus time (asparagus time) is here. Austrians enjoy feasting on the green or white varieties with hollandaise sauce or heading into the woods, meadows and parks to pick wild garlic (wild garlic) to make into pesto, bread or anything else you fancy.

A sure sign of spring is when seasonal ice cream shops open across Vienna, having been closed for the winter.

You know winter is over when queues start to form for the latest ice cream flavours instead of at the sausage or mulled wine stand.

READ ALSO: What are the best things to do in spring in Austria?

A couple sit in front of a tree

Beautiful spring weather in Austria. (Photo by JOE KLAMAR / AFP)

Popular springtime activities

Austrians are very good at enjoying their country’s breathtaking natural beauty regardless of the seasons. So in spring, as the temperatures rise, you will see people sunbathing in parks, swimming in rivers and lakes, and picnicking all over.

Head to the nearest supermarket and enjoy your next meal by the Donau or on a hiking trail. If you like mountain biking, hiking, or just walking around mountains, this is the time to be in Austria.

The blooming trees are everywhere, from small inconspicuous parks to the wine region of Wachau, near Vienna. Visiting parks to see them is also a great activity, especially in March and April.

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Spring is also a time for festivals, including the spring Festival in Vienna (and many other cities), where locals put up a maypole, enjoy musical performances and eat regional delicacies.

In June, you can visit the largest free open-air festival in Europe, the Donauinselfestwith countless stands, events, and musical performances taking palace in Vienna.

A few weeks before Easter, the country is also full of Easter Markets, another excellent opportunity to try out delicious Austrian food and beverage and immerse in the local culture – always with a beautiful palace or landscape as a background.

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