Start eating slowly… easy tips for a “better gut”

by time news

When we talk about the health of the digestive system, the first thing that comes to our minds is probably the quality of food, and we may think about the need to eat healthy, expensive foods, in order to maintain the health of our intestines.

But in fact, there are many behaviors linked to our gut health that are inexpensive and relatively easy, according to experts who spoke to The Journal. Guardian.

30 plants per week

Eat at least 30 different plants per week. Botanicals also include coffee, spices and grains. Don’t just associate with wheat-based bread and pasta, add other types like barley, rice, quinoa, herbs, and nuts.


Foods containing polyphenols help reduce the risk of cancer, and improve heart and brain health. They are found in foods such as coffee, green tea, berries, flaxseeds, hazelnuts, extra-virgin olive oil, broccoli, red onions, herbs and spices, red wine and dark chocolate.


At least 30 grams of fiber per day reduces the risk of infections, cancer, heart disease and diabetes, and it is available in vegetables and whole grains.

Learn to love vegetables

Be creative and adventurous, experimenting with different flavors and preparation methods while using as many vegetables as possible.

Avoid bad habits

Avoid or cut down on ultra-processed foods, as they increase bad bacteria and decrease good bacteria. Limit alcohol, as it causes gut inflammation and lowers the bacterial balance. Reducing alcohol and increasing dietary diversity can restore this balance.


Eat foods rich in probiotics, such as sauerkraut, yogurt, and some types of cheese, especially unpasteurized. Supplementation is not necessary in all cases, as probiotics can be obtained naturally in food.

Bacteria play an important role for gut health

Take your time eating

Digestion begins before we put food in our mouths. Good chewing makes food break down more easily in the intestines, and large pieces strain it. Eat slowly, and when you feel that the food has become doughy, swallow it.

Do mindfulness exercises

Stress negatively affects the functioning of the intestines. Experts advise practicing breathing exercises and meditation, as they help improve communication between the brain and the digestive system.

Keep moving

Not by doing intense exercises, then sitting for the rest of the day, but move as much as possible throughout the day, even if it is a light movement, such as going out during the lunch break and walking for 20 minutes. Movement helps reduce the feeling of bloating and improves the state of mind.

Fasting and sleeping

Bacteria will not clean the intestines except in the case of a 12-hour fast between evening and morning, for example, from 8 pm to 8 am, and periods of food cessation should also be allowed between meals.

Good sleep is also important. Intermittent sleep for one night negatively affects the digestive system.

Persevere and do not get bored

Digestive health is all about consistency and regularity, but don’t stop your good habits just because you overeat or eat unhealthy foods for a week. Just get back to your good habits.

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