sister accuses artist’s husband of preventing contact

by time news

Amanda Wanessa’s family is accusing her husband, Dobson Santos, of preventing contact with the singer, who spent 642 days in hospital after suffering a very serious car accident.

The report was made through the Assemblyanos de Valor page on Instagram on the night of last Friday, March 17. The singer’s sister, Danyele Mendes, declared that Dobson would have prohibited his wife’s parents from entering the condominium where they live, in addition to herself.

According to the accusation made by Danyele, an express order was left at the gate of the condominium: “I, resident Dobson Santos do Edf. Rose of […]apartment […] I come by means of this letter to ask the administrator of the Ability condominium, as well as Mr. Rodolfo Leão, trustee, the prohibition inside the building and apartment of the people mentioned below: Mrs. Danyele Mendes de Melo, Mrs. Elenilda Mendes da Silva, Sr. José Odilon da Silva Filho, grateful for the request, and understanding”.

Danyele said that before making the case public, he sought help from the congregation they attend: “It’s hard to say that, We endured a lot, our pastor and the brothers of the church are aware of everything. We are waiting on God, and God will act. This is not even a minimum of the account of what we lived and what he has done. We have proof of everything.”

According to the singer’s sister, Dobson would be “a monster”: “He’s not evangelical, I’m not going to be silent anymore, I’m going to open my mouth and say everything I know about this man. He never cared about my sister.”

“In 2 years he has never spent an hour in the hospital on a visit. My parents who were there taking turns, spending 15 days, I spend a week. Never even half an hour passed. It was 20 minutes, he got there, sat down and took the cell phone and left, he didn’t even talk to her, he didn’t even do that, he’s a monster! But God will take care of it! And I will not leave my sister in the hands of this monster, ”he vented.

Still according to Amanda Wanessa’s sister, a police report was registered with the complaint of the impediment of access to the singer: “Only God knows what we are going through. But the judge of judges, lawyer of lawyers is God, and He will act for us.”

“He never slept a day for 2 years [de internação]. Everyone at the hospital knows. When she needed to go to the ICU it was my mother who spent the day with her and he stayed at the reception. He visited whenever he wanted, He’s living a single life, he’s living life the way he wants. He is not the husband he shows himself to be. I made videos entering the hospital just to make media. He never spent a Christmas, a New Years with his wife, ”he said.

The accident that left Amanda Wanessa between life and death occurred on January 4, 2021 in the Rio Formoso region. The singer’s father was in the car, but did not need to be hospitalized. Her daughter, Mel (6 years old at the time), underwent surgery and was soon discharged. A friend of the artist, Jussara Pimentel, needed assistance but recovered quickly.

On October 8 last year, the singer discharged from hospital, but the recovery process has continued ever since. In the artist’s social networks, the creation of an institute is being promoted, without details of the field of action that the initiative will be dedicated to.

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