Yolanda Díaz begins to add in Andalusia

by time news

“I am going to make a decision that I hope will serve to contribute to my country, to give people hope and to tell people that they are having a hard time, that they cannot make the purchase or pay the mortgage, that it is possible to improve the life”. The words of Yolanda Díaz, Vice President of the Government and Minister of Employment, Yesterday at the Palace of Congresses and Exhibitions in Seville there was a sound that in the coming days it will formally announce the launch of its Sumar platform, with which it seeks to avoid the dispersion of the vote of the left around a new, more transversal association and in which there is room for personalities even far from the traditional political world.

She does it in a square that is similar to her and where the script established by the candidate up to now is fulfilled, that is, to begin her “listening processes” (a full-fledged rally) in those places where the key for her new If the adventure is successful, it has fewer difficulties, that is, getting the adhesion of Izquierda Unida, Podemos and Más País (and their different nomenclatures) to that platform. Seville is one of those places.

The process that has led to yesterday’s announcement is as complex as it seems. The balance between the different sensibilities that must be grouped around your figure, will be essential to know the success of it.

Yolanda Díaz is clear that without Podemos, she is doomed to failure and with the purples as managers of Sumar, too. In either case, there is a more than obvious risk of not getting more support than the foreseeable drop that the Socialists will have as a result of the wear and tear of the legislature. The result will be its irrelevance when it comes to forming a majority of any government.

Darts to Pablo Iglesias

Perhaps for this reason, in Fibes the undisguised jabs directed at Pablo Iglesias resounded, through one of his most famous phrases: “when we agree on 90% of the political program, we have to rise to the challenge at hand, and our obligation is to walk together”. When those “next days” arrive, it will be seen who supports that position; For the moment, in yesterday’s act, the representation of Podemos among the attendees was limited to a couple of councilors; no one from the regional leadership of the purple ones. Those who were present were the general coordinator of IULV-CA, Toni Valero; his predecessor in office, Antonio Maíllo, or the Andalusian leader of Más País, Esperanza Gómez.

“People think what they think, when they are sure of their ideas and share a project for the country, they will take a step forward, so let’s join with hope,” Díaz proclaimed, leaving the space chosen for the event small (probably with all the intention) and went out to greet those who were left outside.

The vice president wanted to go a little further and clarify part of that process of uncertainty that, up to now, involves the start-up of Sumar and assured that the process that she herself had set “is concluding” and recalled that there are 35 teams that are “building a country project for the next decade” and that attract more than a thousand people thinking about the country they want, “a country that adds up, feminist, environmentalist, pacifist, in which young people have a future, in which research is present and future and in which health and public education are vital”.

Criticism of Juanma Moreno

As for the messages, the Vice President of the Government wrapped herself in a radically different Andalusianism from that proclaimed by Juanma Moreno and was particularly pleased to arrive in Andalusia (the first time she had done so with Sumar as her flag), “a wonderful” land , of humble and honest people, who cannot be passed through, but who must be reached”.

“Politics is about dreaming, imagining that people can live with dignity, that we can have a little hope” and pointed to “what Andalusia has experienced: more than 40 years of democracy in which bipartisanship has condemned you to be like the rest of the country. That bipartisanship that has allowed you to have absolutely indecent unemployment figures over so many years, with false and unreal clichés”.

The Employment Minister recalled her three years in office, in which “I have heard everything”, among other things to those who told her how she wanted to bring stability to Andalusia, a land with “its own characteristics” and with productive sectors such as agriculture that does not allow more than precarious contracts.

“In Andalusia you can live from the agrarian sector and agriculture but in another way, with dignity and decency and this is what politics is all about” and added that the 16,000 Moroccan women who make up the recruitment contingent at source for the agricultural campaign of Huelva also come as indefinite.

According to Díaz, Andalusia cannot have a president of the Board who “leaves half of the Spanish public budget for employment unexecuted in the community that has the worst unemployment figures, telling Andalusians that he is not going to create jobs ”. These funds, he added, “are returned to the State, it is a shame, with the number of unemployment in Andalusia; It would be defensible for them to ask for public resources and even more, and we are willing, but what is not fair is that we give them resources and they allow themselves the frivolity of not executing it”.

Díaz also criticized Moreno’s fiscal policy in Andalusia and the unconstitutionality appeal filed against the tax on large fortunes and asked the attendees to defend the “Government’s policies, to mobilize so that it is seen that if the PP governed there would be no ERTEs or increase in the SMI or agreement for pensions ”.

He also did not miss the opportunity to enter the debate on health in Andalusia and pointed out to Juanma Moreno that, in his opinion, “he does not need Vox to privatize it. Moreno’s thing is not accidental, she knows very well who she defends: for each tribute that goes down to the rich, we lose hundreds of teachers and health personnel ”.

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