“Dr. Theerawat” reveals the results of a study that drinking alcohol reduces dementia But don’t be happy – Khaosod

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“Dr. Theerawat” reveals the results of a study that drinking alcohol reduces dementia But don’t be happy More risky drinking reveals the follow-up study of 4 million Koreans

Date 20 Mar. 2023 Prof. Dr. Teerawat Hemajutha or stubborn doctor Director of Emerging Diseases Health Science Center Faculty of Medicine Chulalongkorn University Post a message via Facebook. Thiravat Hemachudha Revealing the results of the study of drinking alcohol that some alcohol Back to reduce dementia !!!???!!

This study does not mean to encourage people to drink. Because we all know that drinking alcohol of all kinds. If you don’t know yourself, keep increasing the amount. until becoming addicted to drinking, his own life and family will be ruined and there will be enormous ailments in both the physical and mental worlds.

Results of this study Report in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA network open), February 6, 2023.

Conclusion The study project is The group that maintains the level of drinking is at some point. Even if I drink moderately Reduce the risk of dementia and reducing the amount from heavy drinking to moderate drinking It will reduce the risk of dementia as well. and meanwhile from not drinking at all It is starting to drink some in small amounts. It will also reduce the risk of dementia.

This is a follow-up study of 4 million Koreans (3,933,382 people) starting in 2009 and of these From the start, 54.8% were absent, 26.7% drank, 11.0% were moderate drinkers and 7.5% were heavy drinkers.

The degree of moderate, moderate and heavy drinking is based on the standard alcohol content, that is, one drink = 14 grams of alcohol.

Some drinks or mild drinkers are less than 15 grams per day, or about one drink.

Moderate drinking ranges from 15 to 29.9 grams per day, or roughly equal to one to two drinks and

Heavy drinking is greater than or equal to 30 grams per day, that is greater than or equal to three drinks.

Between 2009 and 2011, 24.2% of the moderate drinkers, 8.4% of the moderate drinkers, and 7.6% of the heavy drinkers completely stopped drinking.

But over the same period, 13.9% of the non-drinkers group, 16.1% of the moderate drinkers, and 17.4% of the moderate drinkers increased their level of drinking.

During a median follow-up of 6.3 years, 2.5% (100,282 people) had dementia, of which 2% (79,982 people) were identified as having Alzheimer’s disease and 0.3% (11,085 people) were identified as having Alzheimer’s disease. Dementia caused by clogged capillaries in the brain tissue (vascular dementia).

unexpected information In this study, it was Compared with those who did not drink at all at the start of the study. Instead, the light and moderate drinking groups had a 21% (aHR, 0.79; 95% CI, 0.77-0.81) and 17% (aHR, 0.83; 95% CI, 0.79-0.88) risk of dementia. respectively, but among heavy drinkers there was an 8% increase in risk (aHR, 1.08; 95% CI, 1.03–1.12).

The relationship between dose and risk of dementia in this way was the same for Alzheimer’s disease. and dementia from blood clots

• Reducing alcohol intake from heavy to moderate drinking reduces the risk of both types of dementia.

• Likewise, increasing the dosage from moderate to heavy increases the risk of both types of dementia.

• But information that seems strange but is true. That is, in the group that does not drink at all and begins to drink some in the later stages There was a 7 percent reduction in total dementia risk (aHR, 0.93; 95% CI, 0.90-0.96) and an 8 percent reduction in Alzheimer’s disease (aHR, 0.92; 95% CI, 0.89). -0.95) compared to the group who had already drank some from the beginning

This means that when starting to drink some, then never drinking at all, the risk of dementia is reduced.
Which information from not drinking at all is some drinking benefit There has never been a study reported anywhere before. and the head of the research team emphasized that the results of this study This is not to persuade someone who doesn’t drink at all to start drinking.

Either this study or previous studies Once you start drinking and are unable to stop yourself from becoming addicted to alcohol, high doses triple your risk of dementia.
On the other hand, those who already drink small amounts can maintain the amount at that level without having to worry And there may be a slight hidden happiness that he still has a clear mind.

Finally, the study team clarified the limitations of this study. The amount of alcohol each person reports is It may be that Less than the actual drinking proportion At the same time, the type of alcoholic beverage was not categorized in this study as liquor, beer, wine or other beverages.
and another issue is Participants in the study were those who received regular health checks.

Therefore, it may be a population that is already relatively healthy and has a healthier lifestyle than the general population in Korea. Another important point is that this study did not consider the promoter genes that cause Al. Zimmer and

Finally, it is These data are limited to Koreans, so it may not be possible to say fully whether it can be applied to other races as they may have genetic differences in alcohol metabolism.

The easiest thing we can do is Never drink, don’t drink Or if you drink it, it’s a healthy drink in small amounts.

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