They evacuate a beach due to flood danger in Peru

by time news

The authorities of the Peruvian town of beautiful point ordered on Saturday the emergency evacuation of several zones of the city before the danger of alluvium because of the rainy that affect a large part of the territory of the South American country.

According to a statement from the Municipality of beautiful point invited the residents of Playa Norte and Playa Central to carry out an emergency evacuation before the possible damage caused by the rainfall in the zone.

In addition, the communiqué from the municipality stated that the alluvium It will be of great magnitude, so it could generate large damage in the area of ​​the designated beaches.

Hours before, the National Emergency Operations Center (COEN) reported that they are monitoring the situation in Punta Hermosa due to the rupture of a natural water reservoir.

The COEN also indicated that at least 64 districts of the Peruvian jungle are at risk of being affected due to landslides and avalanches before the rainy.

For its part, the National Estimation Center, Disaster Risk Prevention and Reduction (Cenepred) indicated through a scenario that seven jurisdictions in the departments of San Martín (4), Amazonas (2) and Pasco (1) are at a high level.

The forecast for the following hours on the central and southern Peruvian coast foresees rainy of slight intensity, while in the central and southern sierra the fall of hailsnow and sleet moderate to strong intensity.

According to the Peruvian government, the strong rainfall have left at least 50 dead, 8,000 victimsmore than 50,000 affected, 1,300 houses destroyed and 640 kilometers of roads affected.

Source: TeleSur

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