Hemophilia, ‘Articulating Talks’ campaign stops in Abruzzo

by time news

Now in its fourth year, on March 25, it starts again from Abruzzo “Articulating Talks: Articulations? Let’s treat them well!”, the first of a series of meetings throughout Italy inviting people with haemophilia to take care of their joint well-being because, now thanks to the right protection, damage to the joints can be avoided for the benefit of a free life and quality. The local initiative is promoted by A.MA.RE Onlus and is part of the national campaign ‘ Articoliamo’, sponsored by FedEmo (Federation of Hemophilic Associations) with the non-conditioning contribution of Sobi, which stands as a point of reference for people with haemophilia and their families, thanks also to a site, www.www.articoliamo.com, full of clear and useful information for everyday life.

Hemophilia is a rare coagulation disorder which – due to microbleeding especially in the knees, ankles and elbows – can lead to joint problems and progressive reduction of mobility. In Italy there are over 5 thousand people affected by haemophilia, of which over 200 in Abruzzo. However, through a series of prevention and protection strategies – prophylaxis with a prolonged half-life factor, periodic joint screening and regular exercise – it is possible to take care of your joints to reduce the risk of these bleedings and thus preserve joint well-being .

“Our association – says Angelo Maria Lupi, president of A.MA.RE Onlus – has always been committed to providing people with haemophilia and their families with opportunities for direct discussion with specialist doctors, because we believe that an informed patient is a We also want to take advantage of these meetings to overturn a preconception still alive in the haemophiliac community that sees sport and physical activity as a taboo, if not even as contraindicated activities for one’s health. repeated movement – with all the necessary precautions and in agreement with your team of specialists – promotes joint well-being, much more than a sedentary lifestyle. It is therefore important to promote a culture of movement from an early age. But physical activity is not the only behavior for the prevention of the articular complications of haemophilia.Adherence to the profile remains of fundamental importance ssi because it protects the joints and reduces the risk of bleeding”.

The data – reports a note – now show that prophylaxis with prolonged half-life coagulation factor, if done regularly and personalized to maintain an adequate level of protection even when performing physical activity, reduces bleeding and keeps the skeleton and muscles in good condition . In fact, adherence to therapy is essential to preserve joint well-being at all stages of life.

“Articulating is now recognized as a point of reference on the topic of joint well-being – says Annalisa Adani, VP & GM Sobi Italy, Greece, Malta and Cyprus – and this year it presents itself with a new format: to guide the debate and comparison with the specialists it is the same patients, because only those who live with haemophilia can bring out concrete and daily needs as well as success stories. The tomorrow of haemophilia looks rosy, but already today you can count on therapeutic options that allow you to truly live a full life, thanks to correct adherence and protection. Like Sobi, we can only be proud to be able to give our contribution to this evolution”.

Specialist doctors also recommend that you periodically undergo ultrasound screening, a simple, non-invasive and effective method in identifying joint problems early. In fact, microbleeds can go unnoticed and not cause pain, but thanks to the ultrasound investigation it is possible to detect the presence of blood, locate its position precisely and measure its extent, as well as highlighting possible complications affecting the joint, even in the absence of symptoms. The Abruzzo appointment, scheduled for Saturday 25 March from 10.30, at the Phi Hotel Alcione in Francavilla al Mare, is open to the public, with free participation and subject to availability. To receive further information or register, write to [email protected].

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