The Government renews the cultural bonus, which this time will include the bulls

by time news

The Government has approved the second edition of the youth cultural voucher through which young people who turn 18 in 2023 will be able to enjoy 400 euros to allocate to different cultural activities or products, from art to books, music, cinema or bullfighting, and It will be delivered to all 18-year-olds who request it regardless of family income.

«It is a voucher that is aimed at all young people, it is the reception of the age of majority and its connection with culture, for the construction of a more critical and committed society. I understand that there will be people who may not need it and may not request it but, without a doubt, there are many Spanish families where access to culture and being able to dedicate this important amount to their children is well received and valued”, explained the Minister of Territorial Policy and Government spokesperson, Isabel Rodríguez.

This is how it was pronounced this Monday, in the press conference after the Council of Ministers, when asked if the Government plans to distinguish by income to grant this cultural bonus, just as it has announced that it is going to do with the thermal social bonus , so that only the families that need it receive it.

The spokesperson for the Executive has insisted that this cultural bonus is aimed at “all young people” because “what is pursued is that they approach the age of majority with a different leisure alternative and accompany an increasingly thriving industry in the country, as is the cultural industry».

As in the previous edition, these grants of 400 euros are aimed at 500,000 young people who turn 18 throughout this year 2023, and may use it to purchase and enjoy different products, services and cultural activities.

Specifically, the minister and government spokesperson has specified that they will be able to allocate up to 200 euros to “arts, live shows, cultural heritage and audiovisual arts such as tickets and subscriptions for live music, performing arts, cinema, museums, libraries, exhibitions, bullfighting festivals or shows.

In addition, they may dedicate a maximum of 100 euros to physical cultural assets, such as “books, magazines, the press or other periodical publications, also to video games, musical scores or records”; and another 100 euros for digital or online consumption, that is, for “subscriptions on music platforms, reading platforms, audiobooks, etc.”

As Rodríguez has indicated, of the total of last year’s edition, 3,000 establishments in Spain have already joined this initiative. To sign up, establishments must go to the website enabled for it. For their part, young people who request it will receive a single payment through a virtual prepaid card format and the expenses must be made throughout the year following the concession.

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