large mobilization of the youth of Mali scheduled for this Saturday – Info-Matin

by time news

To respond as it should to the appeal of the President of the Transition, who has placed all his hope in the Malian youth for the success of the transition, the National Youth Council of Mali (CNJ), is organizing a great mobilization of the youth in support of the transition this Saturday, March 18, 2023 at the Palais des sports in Bamako.

The information was given this Thursday, March 16, 2023, thanks to a press briefing led by the president of the CNJ, Habib DAKOUO; in the presence of several other members of the executive committee of the CNJ at the headquarters of the organization, located in Sotuba.
At the start of his remarks, President DAKOUO paid a vibrant tribute to our valiant soldiers thanks to whom, he said, Mali is standing today despite all the unhealthy attempts of which the country is the victim. According to him, this great mobilization of youth in support of the transition is a way of responding as it should to the call of the President of the Transition who has placed all his hope in Malian youth for the success of the transition.
He recalled that it was through a solemn message addressed to the juvenile layer through the National Youth Council during a hearing in June 2021 in Koulouba.
Habib DAKOUO stressed that CNJ is the only direct respondent vis-à-vis the authorities and partners in matters of youth. In his opinion, this emanation of the very will of must be translated into action, in accordance with this decision in all the facts.
“Everyone must remain in their role for the desired balance,” he advised.
“The CNJ watches over and provides support through all the works that go in the direction of the interest of the Nation”, declared the speaker who also adds that during this transition, the CNJ has done it several times and intends to mark indelibly this time its presence through several actions.
To do this, he invited the Malian youth to mobilize massively on the occasion of this great meeting which will be held at the Palais des Sports on Saturday March 18, 2023.
“I appeal to the place of the youth of Bamako and surrounding to take part in this activity which is ours, because the call of the President is addressed exclusively to the Malian youth”, declared the president of the umbrella of the young people of Mali, who specifies that “The essence is the mobilization in response to the call of the President of the Transition”.
For this first part, he explained, the executive committee of the CNJ is hard at work and beyond this formal structure.
After this activity next Saturday, the CNJ, he said, is in the process of crisscrossing all the municipalities of Bamako, regions and the diaspora in order to convey messages of communion between sons of the country to support the actions highly patriotic and salutary posed and in progress by the authorities of the transition under the leadership of his Excellency, Colonel Assimi Goïta.
“The Draft Constitution, the finalization of which recorded the qualitative participation of the CNJ through its representative, we will make it our duty to popularize it throughout all regions of Mali so that the populations become imbued with the major innovations contained in the said document and who take into account their grievances”, he justified.
In addition, he announced that this approach of support for the authorities of the transition will be sanctioned by a large gathering of the youth of Mali from Kayes to Ménaka at the March 26 stadium, the chronogram of all these actions of which will be made official in a short time. .
“It’s Youth Hour and we must not miss this historic meeting for any reason,” he warned.

By Abdoulaye OUATTARA

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