Marius Pedersen: o Trenčín certified compost

by time news

Those interested in certified compost register their request on the website of the city of Trenčín and can come pick up the compost in a week. Households that contribute to the sorting of bio-waste and use a bio-container have the priority right to receive compost free of charge. “Every resident of Trenčín who is a municipal waste taxpayer, or in other words a household subject to a municipal waste fee decision, will be able to receive 200 liters of compost per year free of charge.” says Zuzana Čachová, a specialist for the environment of the Ministry of the Interior.

There is a lot of interest in this compost. To date, the city of Trenčín registers more than 460 applications. Bulk customers and those interested in larger quantities of compost can buy compost directly from the company Marius PedersenComposting plant BRO Marius Pedersen as (behind the Trenčín shelter).

Marius Pedersen, among other things, also operates facilities for the recovery of biological waste through composting. “For the year 2022, almost 1000 t of green bio-waste and over 2200 t of kitchen bio-waste were deposited from the city of Trenčín to the compost plant operated by Marius Pedersen,” added Zuzana Čachová. At the same time, she added that bio-waste from the company’s other contractual partners ends up in the mentioned composting plant Marius Pedersen.

Source: Marius Pedersen

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Advantages of certified compost

Responsible sorting of waste pays off and the reward can be “black gold” that enriches the soil with the necessary nutrients. An important quality attribute of compost is the amount of nutrients and organic matter, the absence of pathogens. The material brought to the composting plant is crushed and mixed into the bases according to the recipe. These are dug with a compost bridge digger. After the end of the process, the composted material leaves the technological area and is sifted on a sieving device. The resulting product is subjected to chemical and microbiological analyses. The compost, produced by a certified process, complies with the technical standard STN 46 5738. This compost contains a mixture of stabilized organic substances that have undergone controlled biological transformations ensured aerobic microorganisms, and therefore regular fertilization with such compost provides several advantages:

  • Compost is rich in organic matter.
  • Nutrients from compost are released into the soil gradually, and thanks to this, plants have a regular supply of nutrients necessary for their growth.
  • Quality compost is a source of basic nutrients for soil and plants – N (nitrogen), P (phosphorus), K (potassium), as well as magnesium and trace elements. It enriches the soil with organic substances, which represent a source of energy and building materials for soil organisms and plants, increases the retention and infiltration capabilities of the soil for rainwater.
  • Compost supports the rooting of transplants, trees and shrubs and increases their acceptance by up to 50%.
  • Compost prolongs the flowering of flowers and increases fertility thanks to the supplied nutrients.

The quality of compost is also influenced by its pH value. The optimal pH value is neutral, in the range of 6.5 to 8. If the pH value is lower than 6, the microorganisms responsible for the decomposition of organic substances die. If the value is higher than 8.5, undesirable chemical changes occur, during which important nitrogen is lost from the compost. The company Marius Pedersen, which produces compost, states that the Trenčín compost has a pH value of ± 8, so it is alkaline and regular application will adjust the pH value of the soil and also the acceptability of nutrients by plants. Acidification of soils affects a considerable area of ​​soils in Slovakia, and compost is a suitable material for improving soil reaction.

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Source: Marius Pedersen

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“We have been dealing with the production of compost for several years. Its production and placement in the soil is our contribution to help farmers in this period, which is also difficult for them. We sell the main part of the compost to large and small customers for use in agriculture, horticulture, horticulture, landscape design or the preparation and planting of public greenery. I must point out that we are pleased with the interest of residents and farmers in our high-quality compost. The regional veterinary and food administration decided to use compost as an organic fertilizer, and the finished composts produced by our group have received certificates issued by the Central Agricultural Inspection and Testing Institute and meet the highest quality standards.” says CEO Marius Pedersen Slovakia Oliver Šujan.

According to competent authorities, compost can have its value and high nutrient content thanks to the responsible sorting of biowaste and its subsequent processing. By regularly adding it to the soil, the residents of Trenčín can increase the proportion of organic substances and nutrients in it. “It is a source of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium and trace elements. It is suitable for fertilizing gardens, orchards, when planting trees, ornamental plants and perennials or when establishing and cultivating lawns. Due to the alkaline pH values, however, it is not suitable for planting and fertilizing acid-loving plants such as blueberries, azaleas or hydrangeas.” states the company.

The company Marius Pedersen Slovensko a.s., based in Trenčín, is a subsidiary of the largest private Danish company in the field of waste management – A/S MARIUS PEDERSEN and has been operating on the market for ten years. Marius Pedersen has established itself in Slovakia as a professional company that provides services in the field of waste management, road maintenance and green care. It cooperates with more than four hundred cities and municipalities, providing these services to almost one million residents and approximately four thousand business entities. More information at

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