DGT recommendations if you suffer vision problems while driving

by time news

Almost 80% of the population in Spain has some visual problem, according to the DGT. In addition, 30% of Spaniards suffer from at least two vision problems and 14% three. Bearing in mind that drivers receive 80% of the information while driving through their eyes, this is an important issue. The main disorders are presbyopia (42%), myopia (39%), astigmatism (39%) and hyperopia (18%).

Therefore, the agency’s recommendations are clear. First, wear your glasses or contact lenses to get the best vision behind the wheel. If you need to use ‘close’ glasses, it is recommended that you use progressive glasses to better observe the information you receive through the vehicle’s dashboard. In addition to some sunglasses that avoid excess light make driving more comfortable.

On the other hand, if you notice difficulties driving at night (it does not distinguish the signals well, it does not calculate the depth well, etc.), avoid driving at night or when there are bad light conditions (rain, fog…). Plan the trip avoiding bad weather conditions and slow down. And is that increasing speed reduces the field of vision.

Also, if you take any drugs that affect your vision, follow your doctor’s advice and avoid driving at night. For example, if the ophthalmologist, due to an examination, dilates your pupil, do not drive until the effect of the medication wears off. Even try to drive on well-known and uncrowded routes.

pass the tests

In medical examinations to obtain or renew a driver’s license, the first examination performed on the driver is visual acuity, and specifically the distance one. Good visual acuity allows you to accurately observe the visual stimuli of the road environment.

The regulations authorize driving with a binocular visual acuity of 0.5 (with or without correction); however, the driver must be explained that he must drive with the best vision he can achieve, and if he achieves vision greater than 0.5 with glasses or contact lenses, even if he is not obliged, it is essential that he use them.

In addition, in poor lighting conditions (at night or with low visibility), visual acuity is reduced, and it is necessary to have adequate contrast sensitivity – the ability to identify an object and separate it from the background in which it is located (signals of traffic, pedestrians, vehicles)-. When contrast sensitivity is impaired, dusk-to-dawn driving should be avoided.

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