Spring cleaning: a step-by-step guide to a spotless home

by time news

To carry out a spring cleaning you will need time, organization and a desire to leave your home ready to enjoy one of the most beautiful seasons of the year. We accompany you in the process.

Spring cleaning: a step-by-step guide to a spotless home

Last update: March 21, 2023

Spring has arrived and this is the best time to do a cleaning that let fresh air circulate and everything is in order to enjoy one of the most beautiful seasons of the year. In most seasonal countries, this season starts on March 20 and runs until June 21.

If you don’t know how to start doing this cleaning, we’ll tell you step by step, because it’s about doing it in depth, consciously and with the intention of not leaving a single dirty corner. Here we go!

Step by step to do a good spring cleaning

Doing a spring cleaning can mean an exhausting day, since the ideal is to clean the entire house. Therefore, before giving you a step by step, we want to tell you that the ideal is to plan the routine and give each member of the family a role. Thus, this marathon task will be simple and will take less time.

Now yes, let’s go with the step by step that will allow you to receive spring in order. After this day, take a deep breath with the satisfaction of having your home full of clean air and harmony everywhere.

1. Open the windows to ventilate

The first step you should take to start your spring cleaning is to open the windows of the house to allow fresh air to pass everywhere, ventilating the home. Of course, do it very carefully if you have children and pets at home, since we do not want accidents.

While all the rooms are ventilated, take a few minutes to plan the order of cleaning and the tasks that each one will carry out. However, allow yourself to alter the plan if necessary. It is also about enjoying the day and not making it a tedious activity, because then time will become eternal.

Spring cleaning should start with the ventilation of the house. Open the windows for a minimum of 10 minutes before you start.

2. Throw away what is useless

It is important to start spring cleaning with a collection of all those things that you no longer use, do not need or are damaged. Include in this step the cabinets, the shoe cabinets and even the pantry. Put things to throw away in a marked bag and the ones that you are going to recycle because they are still useful in a different one.

Likewise, take the opportunity to store winter clothes for beds and living rooms, with a previous wash. It is always important to keep utensils and textiles clean, because stored, they will accumulate some dust.

3. Prepare everything you will need

With the house ventilated, it is time to prepare the cleaning implements that will be required for each activity. Thus, you will save time and you will avoid taking the dirt from one place to another. Especially if your house is big.

In this kit there should be products such as the broom, the mop, the brushes, the microfiber cloths, the soap and the water. If you are one of the people who prefers to use homemade products, such as white vinegar, baking soda and lemon, then prepare those too.

4. Don’t forget the walls and ceiling

The classics in cleaning are sweeping, mopping the floor and dusting, but there is much more to it, especially when it comes to deep cleaning. Usually, we leave aside the walls and the ceiling, but these do need attention.

What you should do is vacuum the walls and ceiling to get rid of cobwebs and adhered dust. Since you’re on the roof, don’t forget to clean any fans or pendant light fixtures.

Regarding the walls, after vacuuming, take a damp cloth to remove difficult stains. Includes outlets and switches.

5. Pay attention to doors and windows

If there is something characteristic of spring, it is that with it comes the sun, which illuminates more than necessary. If you are lucky enough to have a house with good windows, then take the opportunity to clean doors, windows and glass so that the sun highlights their beauty and not the dirt they may have.

Let’s start with the doors. Take a soft brush to clean the corners and the reliefs.

Then use a microfiber cloth. Moisten it in a little water with neutral liquid soap and clean it completely. Remember to include the knobs and all kinds of accessories.

For windows, also use a brush to clean deep corners and fixtures, including blinds. For the glasses, make a mixture of equal parts of water and vinegar, spray it on the crystals and take a cloth to clean and another to dry.

Remember to do this inside and out.

6. Appliances are cleaned in every way

Whoever is assigned to the kitchen should know that appliances must be included in this spring cleaning. Behind them dust, grease and even food remains accumulate, so it is convenient to move them.

Regarding the fridge, for example, you have to clean it inside and out. A mixture of water and vinegar will serve to deodorize and kill bacteria.

This also applies to other smaller appliances, such as the microwave and oven.

Clean appliances inside, outside, and on the walls they sit on.

7. The bathroom is also important

You’re not thinking we forgot about the bathroom, are you? This area is very important and also requires being in tune with spring. Renew the towels and prefer those with floral prints or cheerful tones.

Take the opportunity to put a different aroma in the diffuser; a fresher and more floral one. It also includes some plants that contribute to cleaner air in this area.

8. Rearrange your plants

Surely many of your plants are flowering or will do so in the coming days. Thus, it’s a good idea to rearrange them to get the most visual benefit from them.

If you have them on the balcony, then it will be enough for you to lift them and clean the floor, remove some withered leaves and place them in such a way that they are more appreciated. In case you do not have plants yet, then you can buy some that are already in bloom to decorate your spaces.

9. Change the textiles

After ensuring that spring cleaning has been done thoroughly, it’s time to welcome spring textiles, much fresher and more colourful. This step includes rugs, cushions, bedding, and even curtains.

If you have always lived in seasonal countries, you well know that in this season the heat is felt much more than in winter, so you have to get in tune. Prior to this change, you will have to have cleaned the sofas very well (emphasizing the armrests, which get very dirty) and the bed (emphasizing the mattress and pillows).

10. Includes the exterior spaces of the house

We conclude this step by step to perform a spring cleaning by inviting you to consider the exterior. From the balcony to the hallway of your apartment or the porch.

It all depends on whether you live in a flat or in a house. In any case, you have to consider leaving clean these spaces that you also use and are part of your home.

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