Bac 2023: discover the subjects and answers to the specialty tests

by time news

This year, finally, the baccalaureate specialty teaching tests take place in March! The new calendar was provided for by the high school reform, to integrate these notes very early in the Parcoursup file of candidates for post-baccalaureate selective training. This is the first time that this schedule will be respected: during the two previous sessions, these written exams were greatly disrupted by the health crisis (cancellation in 2021, postponement in 2022). A total of 536,081 students will work on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

The pension reform cast doubt on a new upheaval this year, with the mobilization of supervisors and correctors… But the tests finally took place without blocking with a call not to interfere with the CGT tests and special measures announced by the ministry.

Two specialty tests for each candidate

This reform of high school and baccalaureate now requires students in the final year of the general and technological baccalaureate to choose two specialties from around twenty possibilities (maths, eco, physics, history-geo, SVT, etc.). With the philosophy test which will take place on June 14, they are the only subjects sanctioned by a written test at the end of terminale. These two specialty tests, which take place this Monday and Tuesday from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m., represent a very large part of the examination: 32% of the final mark of the candidates; but also a large piece of their Parcoursup file: important notes for their registration file in higher education which will be scrutinized by those responsible for admission to selective training.

Each high school student must pass two written tests corresponding to his two specialties: one this Monday, March 20, the other Tuesday or Wednesday according to his invitation received by e-mail. Discover the subjects of each test on our site and our answers, written by high school teachers teaching in the subject matter, offered at the end of the tests.

General baccalaureate specialties

Mathematics (150,848 candidates)

The subject includes 3 exercises: on probabilities, the natural logarithm function and sequences.

Economics and Social Sciences – SES (137,186 candidates)

A very topical subject on trade unions, demonstrations and strikes with, as the subject of a dissertation: “How has collective action been transformed in democratic societies? »

Physics-chemistry (114,685 candidates)

Three exercises: on the observation of Saturn and the astronomical telescope of Huygens, the artificial aroma of banana and the formulation of aspirin.

History, Geography, Geopolitics and Political Science – HGGSP (106,277 candidates)

The two dissertation topics are “Do the production and circulation of knowledge know borders? and “Ruptures and continuities of the forms of war since the end of the 20th century”. And a State dinner at Versailles in 1961 under consideration!

Life and earth sciences – SVT (92,824 applicants)

Ecology and Cystic fibrosis on the program of the two SVT exercises. “To show that current global warming is partly linked to the use by human beings of solar energy in the past. »

Humanities, Literature and Philosophy – HLP (40,607 applicants)

Excerpt from Octave Mirbeau’s novel, The Diary of a Chambermaid (1900). Literary interpretation: in this excerpt, how does the poetry allow the heroine to “become a new being again”? Philosophical essay: does knowledge harm sensibility?

Numerical and computer science – NSI (17,835 candidates)

Three exercises based on: SQL language, networks and routers, Python language.

Plastic arts (10,472 candidates)

Critical commentary on the subject: Doing work in the face of history and politics: to decorate or to fight?

Engineering sciences and physical sciences (6,959 candidates)

Three exercises on a fire robot and one exercise on the thermal study of an LNG carrier.

Many other specialties exist, but these are the nine largest in terms of the number of candidates. Tomorrow, Tuesday March 21, the tests will continue with the same specialties and more modern languages ​​(English, Spanish, etc.).

Specialty examinations for the technological baccalaureate

The 145,371 candidates for the technological baccalaureate also pass a test today, and a second tomorrow.

  • Bac STL: physics-chemistry and mathematics – from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
  • Bac STI2D: physics-chemistry and mathematics – from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
  • Bac STD2A: design analysis and methods – from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.
  • Bac ST2S: chemistry, biology and human physiopathology – from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.
  • Bac STMG: management, management and digital sciences – from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.
  • Bac STHR: hotel management economics – from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.
  • Bac S2TMD: culture and choreographic/or musical/or theatrical sciences – from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Pro baccalaureate candidates are not affected by this high school reform and their tests take place in June.

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