Access to the Bugey power plant blocked, actions in Lyon and the Feyzin refinery

by time news

Access to the Bugey nuclear power plant (Ain) was blocked on Tuesday morning by employees opposing the pension reform, we learned from concordant sources. The strikers, between 300 and 400 according to CSE secretary Christophe Paul (CGT), let only on-call personnel dedicated to security-related activities pass. The communication department confirmed the blockage, without giving a figure, insisting that “respect for the safety of the installations” was assured.

“This is the first time that access to the site from the outside has been blocked since the movement against pension reform”, specifies Christophe Paul. According to the union official, Tuesday’s action does not affect the production of the plant, which employs 1,200 employees and 600 subcontractors.

Shipments blocked at the Feyzin refinery

In the Lyon region, moreover, the TotalEnergies refinery in Feyzin (Rhône) has ceased shipments since Monday. According to Jeff Vapillon, FO trade unionist and site employee, the notice is maintained and the storage tanks are close to being filled, which could lead to a production stoppage in the afternoon.

In the morning, traffic was also disrupted around the agglomeration of Lyon at various points during the distribution of leaflets.

At Perrache station, around 150 demonstrators thus temporarily invaded the track, calmly, as noted by an AFP photographer. Partly equipped with union bibs, they also tried to block the urban boulevard M7 in the immediate vicinity, which they succeeded in doing once, but not a second time, prevented by the police.

A distribution of leaflets also caused a major traffic jam on the ring road in Villeurbanne.

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