Broader cooperation in acute care Kennemerland must reduce A&E stops

by time news

It concerns the general practitioners in the Midden-Kennemerland region, the general practitioner in Beverwijk, ViVa! Zorggroep, the Red Cross Hospital, Parnassia and the ambulance service.

Emergency square

The new organization will be called Emergency Medical Service (SEMD). The SEMD will soon be physically located at the emergency square at the hospital in Beverwijk, which is currently being built. There, a place will be set up for the SEMD with one central desk for all emergency care. “All patients register here,” says emergency physician Mark van Zanten. “With the new building we have the opportunity to organize logistics better and to coordinate cooperation much better. Patients move less between organizations, departments or rooms and are helped faster.”

Better data exchange

Data can be exchanged better through the collaboration. Functions in the evening, night and weekend are also bundled in order to jointly diagnose and treat. In addition to the general practitioner, someone from home care is also present at night.

Faster diagnoses

The intention is that through more coordination, digital or telephone help, or by sending the right healthcare provider directly to the patient for first aid, people will stay at home more often. A single 80-year-old man who has broken his arm or leg receives an X-ray and plaster at the SEMD, while someone arranges home care in the meantime. Diagnoses must also be made more quickly in psychiatric patients with an emergency request.

Scots disappear

Due to the joint organization, partitions are falling away and one new gateway is being set up for acute care together with the health insurer and policymakers.

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