by time news

Antonio Aguirre Medina/Guayaquil

[email protected]

It would seem that our poor, defenseless and battered country is falling on the witch’s broom. We live from misfortune to misfortune, we came out of a Progressive Socialist losing streak and fell into an indefinite and absurd continuity, which does not try to start forward as it should be, but inexplicably keeps trying to continue in reverse like the crab.

DESTROYED: by the irrepressible force of nature that is destroying poorly done works and with very high overprices, in which they themselves admit that they stole, but they did the works, of course, without commenting that they were poorly done without meeting the required technical specifications in the contracts, with delays and overprices considered by the head of the gang of submissive sheep as business between private parties and that this type of business did not harm the country’s economy.

DISARMED: As the president himself commented, a few months ago, that the Armed Forces lacked planes, helicopters, ships in poor condition, obsolete weapons, useless land transport, scarce ammunition, etc. etc

DEMORALIZED: due to the lack of credibility and incompetence of the authorities on duty, who instead of ordering the troops to advance, hold them back.

DESPERATE: due to the lack of jobs, the high cost of living and the insecurity of people and their assets, which in some cases do not respect legal security and free private enterprise investments.

DISCOURAGED: by the powerlessness to stop the drug crime that advances at the pace of winners with little hope of eradicating it.

The only possible solution was in his hands and was baptized by its mentalizers and creators as: “CROSS DEATH”, which when he tries or wants to apply it will already be too extemporaneous.

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