Harmonization of the face Infomed

by time news

For many years, the world of aesthetic medicine focused on methods of treatment that focused only on one area or one organ of the face, without reference to the other facial organs. This approach, known as the classic approach, has created various fads such as lip thickening treatments, rhinoplasty, eyebrow lifting and botox treatments to achieve a frozen and expressionless look, with each treatment planned and performed separately. This situation created for some patients an unnatural, exaggerated and unflattering appearance.

Photo: Maxim Shmeljov | shutterstock

“In recent years, this approach has changed and now a lot of attention is given to aesthetic treatment in a holistic and harmonious way – the one that simultaneously examines the appearance of the facial organs as a complex whole, so that each organ complements the general appearance of the patient with the other organ,” says Dr. Natalia Kovalov , the owner of the Ikon Esthetics clinic, according to her, this approach, known as facial harmonization, allows for more aesthetic and natural-looking results.

“In aesthetic treatments of the face in a harmonious way, it is especially important to examine the condition of the skin in terms of its texture and visibility. According to these, a match is made between the data of the skin texture and the general appearance of the face of each individual patient, and an effort is made to produce a natural appearance as much as possible.” Dr. Kovalov asserts, “In this way, the face is treated as an artistic painting or sculpture, and not as a single point surgical or plastic operation.”

What causes a more natural appearance in aesthetic treatments?

“In the facial harmonization approach,” adds Dr. Kovalov, “the uniqueness of each one is emphasized and the creation of a “production line” of a uniform and unnatural appearance for all patients is avoided.” Dr. Kovalov emphasizes: “A professional doctor should treat First of all for the aspect of harmonizing the face, try to combine it as much as possible with the client’s wishes.”
Harmonization is a very individual thing, a personal treatment plan is suitable for each patient because we are all different and the main goal of aesthetic medicine is not to change nature but to improve the feeling of the clients.

According to her, many patients are currently turning to aesthetic treatments in order to look more photogenic in the pictures posted on social media. Also, women mostly want to undergo aesthetic treatments in order to “go back in time”, to look younger and more well-groomed, while maintaining their natural appearance, without harming their unique facial features. “With the method of harmonizing the face,” explains Dr. Kovalov, “it is more possible, and the results are more authentic, aesthetic and correct.”

How is it actually done?

“In order to harmonize the face, we must first of all combine a very deep knowledge of the anatomy of the face, an understanding of its mechanics (movement) and the correct proportions, and at the same time, combine special injection techniques, materials and various treatment methods,” explains Dr. Kovalov. In this framework, among others, materials such as hyaluronic acid are used, which is naturally present in our body and contributes to the softening and flexibility of the various tissues; calcium (calcium) injections, which allow maximum tissue support; Use of polylactic acid, which helps renew and firm the skin and maintain a maximum natural appearance; use of botulinum toxin, which helps hide wrinkles and smooth the skin; Use of threads for lifting and maximum tissue support without adding volume and changing facial features; Combining advanced equipment for lifting and firming the face and a significant improvement in the texture and visibility of the skin and the face in general, and more.”

According to Dr. Kovalov, “a personalized treatment plan is built for each patient after ascertaining needs and a careful examination. It is very important to emphasize: to get natural results and to reach the maximum harmonization of the face, the process must be carried out in stages, slowly and with a lot of patience.”

Dr. Natalia Kovalov, owner of the Ikon Esthetics clinic.

Icon is a boutique clinic, a small and intimate place, born to bring together everything that is current in modern aesthetic medicine with professionalism and quality at the highest level available and all in a quiet, calm, safe and optimistic atmosphere under the professional management of Dr. Natalia Kovalov, family physician, clinic manager of general.

Dr. Natalia Kovalov is a family doctor, director of a general health fund clinic, with more than 40 years of experience in medicine, including 20 years of experience as a surgical surgeon.

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