7 arrested, 3 on the run- Corriere.it

by time news

(In the photo Roberta Cappelli, Marina Petrella and Giorgio Pietrostefani)

Seven convicted of terrorist incidents, including belonging to Red Brigades, armed groups against territorial power and a former Lotta Continua militant, were arrested this morning in France at the request of Italy, while three others are on the run and are wanted. The announcement was made by the Elysée. The ten are accused of murders and other acts of blood, dating back to the 70s and 80s (here a portrait, their criminal actions and the sentences they have to serve).

The former Red Brigades arrested are Marina Petrella, Giovanni Alimonti, Enzo Calvitti, Roberta Cappelli, Giorgio Pietrostefani, Sergio Tornaghi, Narciso Manenti.

Those still on the run are Raffaele Ventura, Maurizio Di Marzio and Luigi Bergamin.

The Draghi-Macron telephone call and the Mitterrand doctrine

On April 9, the Italian Minister of Justice, Marta Cartabia, met Eric Dupond-Moretti, his French counterpart, and officially asked for the handover of the terrorists, for some of whom the statute of limitations would soon take effect. One of these Di Marzio, among those not arrested in this morning’s operation.

The Dupond-Moretti-Cartabia meeting would follow a telephone contact between the Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi and the French President Emmanuel Macron, in which Draghi confirmed the importance of the issue for the Italian government.

According to the President of the French Republic, the decision of Macron it fits strictly within the logic of the “Mitterrand doctrine” of granting asylum to former Red Brigades, except for those responsible for blood crimes.

The compilation of the list of 10 names is the result of an important bilateral preparatory work, which lasted several months – emphasizes the Elysée – which led to the consideration of the most serious crimes.

The terrorists arrested

The French and Italian police authorities have released a note detailing the profiles of the former terrorists arrested.

Five of them are former members of the Red Brigades. Giovanni Alimonti, born in Rome in 1955, still has to serve 11 and a half years in prison and 4 years of probation; among the crimes for which he was convicted there is the attempted murder of the deputy director of the Digos of Rome Nicola Simone. Enzo Calvitti, born in Mafalda, also born in 1955, must serve 18 years and 7 months in prison and 4 years of probation. Roberta Cappelli, Roman, also born in 1955, sentenced to life imprisonment for the murders of General Galvaligi, police officer Michele Granato, deputy commissioner Sebastiano Vinci and the injuries of Domenico Gallucci and Nicola Simone. Marina Petrella, Roman, born in 1954, sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of General Galvaligi, the kidnapping of Judge D’Urso, the attack on Nicola Simone, the kidnapping of Councilor Ciro Cirillo (for which two escort operators were killed ). Sergio Tornaghi, Milanese, 1958, sentenced to life imprisonment: among the crimes he is accused of, the murder of the general manager of Ercole Marelli.

Giorgio Pietrostefani, born in 1943, militant of Lotta Continua, must serve 14 years and 2 months in prison for themurder of Commissioner Calabresi.

Narcissus Manenti, from 1957, belonged to the armed forces against territorial power. Sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of the Carabinieri officer Giuseppe Gurrieri, he must serve other years of imprisonment for receiving stolen goods, detention and illegal carrying of weapons, subversive association.

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