Petista kills Bolsonarist after fight in Mato Grosso, says Civil Police

by time news

According to witnesses, Edno de Abadia Borges drove away from the scene shortly after the shooting. he is on the run

A 36-year-old man was shot dead last Sunday, the 19th, in a bar in the district of Selma, 60 km from the municipality of Jaciara (MT), after a discussion about politics. Valter Fernando da Silva was a supporter of Jair Bolsonaro (PL), and the murder suspect, Edno de Abadia Borges, 60, is a supporter of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT). Civil Police investigate the crime as qualified homicide.

According to the delegate responsible for the investigation, José Ramon Leite, witnesses said that both had a “heated” disagreement over opposing political opinions. “This discussion took on a more aggressive tone, until, at a certain point, the suspect invited the victim to go outside the establishment and two shots were heard,” said the delegate, based on testimonials from those who were at the bar. , in audio sent to Estadão.

Forensics was triggered and found that the victim had two punctures in the abdomen region. So far, the police are not working with the hypothesis of a political crime, but of qualified homicide for a futile reason, when someone commits the crime for a trivial reason. The firearm used in the crime has not been located.

According to witnesses, Edno de Abadia Borges drove away from the scene shortly after the shooting. He’s on the run. After the investigation began, the Civil Police found the suspect’s vehicle 10 kilometers from the crime scene. “It is certain that the Civil Police, in view of the escape, as soon as we gather more elements, we will represent for preventive detention. We will complete this investigation within the legal deadline, but the motivation and circumstances are already delimited, leaving only the location and arrest of the author”, said the delegate.

Other cases

Murders after political discussions also occurred before and during the 2022 election campaign. In July, municipal guard Marcelo Arruda, then treasurer of the PT in Foz do Iguaçu (PR), was killed by a Bolsonarist while celebrating his 50th birthday. In August, a man was shot at a church of the Christian Congregation in Brazil (CCB), in Goiânia, because of political disagreements with another faithful. In September, a petista stabbed a Bolsonaro supporter in Santa Catarina. In October, a PT voter stabbed a Bolsonarist to death on the coast of São Paulo.

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