Milestone by Chey Jurado and Akira Yoshida will make us reflect on what an intersubjective relationship supposes

by time news

On March 24, it will be represented at the Cultural Center of the Villa (San José de la Rinconada, province of Seville), Milestone, by the hand of Chey Jurado and Akira Yoshida. First of all I give way to the presentations of these two professionals.

Chey Jury is a Spanish dancer of urban dances, contemporary dance and performing arts and self-taught. Throughout his career, various titles and collaborations appear that accredit him as a significant dancer and creator on the current scene: Redbull BC ONE, World of Dance, I Love This Dance, La Veronal… In 2016 he created and performed AGUA, his first work as a soloist, awarded in numerous urban and contemporary dance competitions. This allows you to dive into new projects like GOMERA in the company of Noé Chapsal, MILESTONE in the company of Akira Yoshida and, finally, what will be his second and third solo project and still in development, ROOT y BY MOTHER.

Akira Yoshida He began his career dancing break dance. With time, she begins to be interested in other forms of movement and, after receiving an artistic scholarship from the Government of Navarra, she studies contemporary dance at SEAD. She has worked for the companies QuieroTeatro, Hungry Sharks, Roberto Oliván Performing Artes, Physical Momentum, Lali Ayguadé Co, etc. She has co-created the duets Milestone with Chey Jurado, humanly with Lali Ayguadé, The Inglorious Fortune of Being a Performer with Dunya Narli and the voices with Ziomara Hormaetxe. He has also worked as a choreographic assistant for Lali Ayguadé in the creation of the piece Shelter for Verve Company and will do so soon with the National Company of Korea. Finally, he has toured with his solos Man y Burial of the Bark for years and now combines performing arts with workshops at international and national festivals such as B12, DeltebreDansa, etc.

From the first thing that came to mind after approaching the synopsis of Milestone, is that we will only see the final result of an exhaustive joint creation process in which this dance piece will have served as a pretext, so that a series of issues that are inevitable as soon as two human beings get to know each other come to light. interact. Of course, we deal with these types of issues every day, but for that very reason, many times we need a stage piece to focus on them so that we can spend time reflecting on them.

That is why I will not get tired of defending that the performing arts generate an ideal space to do philosophy, political thought, etc… The fact is that Akira Yoshida and Chey Jurado they will have left many of the fruits of this collaboration in parentheses so that what can be read as universal reaches us, the viewers; otherwise, we would not be talking about performing arts. Before continuing to speculate about it, I consider that it is best to refer you to the synopsis of Milestone:

Two people pay attention to what makes them similar, searching for something they already have, but without losing the taste for searching, moving through and feeding the emotion that is born from their connection, from what is simple to what is simply complex. Search until you lose your way and then find it again: the journey between people (Milestone). We often depend on external elements that make our lives easier, until these things actually end up running our lives. But what happens when we lose these things that we take for granted, these things that feel like an extension of our body? What happens when we lose material elements? What is left then? As humans, we are always looking for direction. Without a direction, we are lost. Once we lose them, we also lose our direction, which leads to only one option: another direction. Getting lost is also beautiful and many new options open up on the horizon.

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