A young man showed on TikTok how his skin was left by not using sunscreen and launched an alert: “It burns me fatally”

by time news

After many years of research, it is now known that excessive exposure to solar radiation can cause the early skin aging and various diseases such as cataracts, photocarcinogenesis and skin cancer. For this reason, it is always recommended to use protector solar.

A user of TikTok who manages the @__pacu account, sparked controversy a few days ago after showing how his back was at work under the sun without protection. The young man was one of the hundreds of collaborators who helped those affected by an avalanche in beautiful pointin Peru.

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The images that show the damage that caused the sun in Paco Escudero, were shared by a tiktoker. There she demonstrates how the sun’s rays can affect the health of the skin when the necessary care is not taken into consideration.

Wow, these blisters came out of nowhere and it burns fatally”, said Escudero, who also said that he cannot even put on a shirt because of the burning sensation on his burned skin.

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video turned viral on social media with more than 12,000 views. In addition, thousands of Internet users advised him to take care of his skin and “not work so many hours under the intense heat.”

At what time to sunbathe?

  • “Sunbathing in the morning and after 4 pm is safe,” they say. It was always considered a valid premise, although in reality it is a serious error, since although during those hours the solar radiation is lowerThis does not imply that there are no risks. The key is to always take care of yourself with sunscreen.

What sunscreen should be used?

  • Experts advise using a sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 30. The higher the SPF, the higher the level of protection.. Although the difference is less in the FPS of 30 or 50.

Should I use sunscreen if it’s cloudy?

  • Depending on the density of the clouds, between 50 and 85% of ultraviolet radiation manages to pass in the same way. So if it’s cloudy, You should also apply sunscreen..

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