Live, the vote of no confidence by Vox and Ramón Tamames

by time news

Espinosa de los Monteros (Vox) charges against Bildu, ERC and PSOE: “Don’t talk to us about democracy”

“Ladies of Bildu and ERC, parties with a history of terrorism and coups do not have credentials to extend democrat cards to others,” the Vox spokesman in Congress began his speech, Ivan Espinosa de los Monteros.

He then went to Gabriel Ruffian, who has recriminated calling the workers who vote for Vox “mice”, stating that he would call them “I would never call them mice, but lions.” “He does not despise the lions, because at any moment they can wake up and give him a good scare,” he continued, giving the example of Abascal, “whose commitment restores the voice of millions of Spaniards.”

In the same way, he has had a few words for the socialist bench. “Don’t talk to us about democracy when you exercise an anti-democratic cordon in all the committees of this house, in the Basque and Catalan plenary sessions, where they prevent, not only in an undemocratic way, but illegally, that ours can discuss these initiatives”, he said, referring to the work of Vox as a “retaining wall against to Sanchismo and separatism” “Only Vox has come to the fore and has abandoned the comfort of Tancredism,” he continued, thanking Santiago Abascal and Vox deputies in general.

“Today there are voices that warn of the devilish growth of the public debt and the danger of the open border policy,” he continues, while receiving applause from his colleagues. “We can say to almost four million Spaniards who gave us their vote in 2019 that we came to be a useful instrument for the defense of Spain,” she pointed out. “That is why this motion by Vox is not just by Vox, it is above all a motion by millions of Spaniards to stop the drift” of the Government.

Next, Espinosa de los Monteros asked for respect for the economist Ramón Tamames, whom “There has been an attempt to ridicule.”

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