Marketing person of the month: Asaf Aviv, VP of Marketing and Content at Partner

by time news

Assaf Avi, Partner’s VP of Marketing (photo by Yanai Yehiel)

Last month, Partner launched a new campaign starring the presenter Static, accompanied by a surprising guest – the actor and creator Ilan Peled. The hit machine from the creator of Partner, once again provided a viral advertisement that conveys the message in a humorous, light and above all very enjoyable way and the choice of Ilan Peled as Static’s partner and the choice of the song “Dubshaniye” is nothing less than brilliant.

The background: a new campaign by a partner focused on the group’s fiber optic sector, which is launching new fiber internet packages. The campaign follows on from Partner’s announcement about a month ago, that it had signed an agreement with Bezeq to acquire the right to use 120,000 fiber optic infrastructure lines. According to Partner, the agreement is expected to make the company the provider of fiber services with the widest deployment in Israel. The person behind the Partner campaign and the cellular company’s marketing moves is Asaf Aviv, the VP of Marketing and Content of the Partner media group, and ice’s marketing person of the month.

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Who are you Assaf Aviv?
48 years old, married and father of 16-year-old Roy and 13-year-old Maya, lives in Ramat Hasharon. Partner’s VP of Marketing and Content. In my previous positions I was the VP of Marketing for Bezeq International, VP of Business Development and Innovation at the Azrieli Group and Deputy CEO of Wecom.

What led you to the world of marketing?
In my first degree I studied business administration with a specialization in marketing, but I started my professional path in sales. My first positions were in the management of sales systems (centers and D2D) and even then I felt that the worlds of impact on customers interested me. Moving from sales to marketing is not trivial, the main change is in understanding the role and accepting responsibility for what is sold and not only for how to sell.

You started the campaign after the huge agreement with Bezeq, what was the strategy around the current campaign?
The agreement with Bezeq almost doubled our fiber potential, in one day we were able to offer fiber to customers we previously had to say no to. This insight led us to the creative crack that we want to apologize to the customers, that we published fibers and they could not join our fibers.

It’s a complex start to the campaign so we were looking for a humorous way to apologize to them and say that now we can connect them. At the beginning of the ad, Ilan complains to Static “Poya, it’s a shame you didn’t come with the fiber to Afula”. But now, after the deal with Bezeq, we can connect those customers, both to Bezeq’s fiber and to Partner’s fiber. We left here, and then the advertisement celebrates our fiber deployment, which is the expansion in Israel.

The choice of Ilan Peled – what led to the choice of connection to static and why specifically Peled (a well-known brand)?

The challenge in advertising is to make the customer connect with the advertisement and escape from indifference. A very common way is to entertain and keep the consumer’s attention among the multitude of advertisements running on the screen. The idea of ​​Ilan Peled came from a talented creative person during work with the McCann advertising agency. At that moment we realized it was bingo.

The choice of the song “Dubshaniye” is surprising in light of its boldness and the younger target audience. Was it intentional?
There was a long ping pong game in front of the partners from McCann, we listened to dozens of songs and Dovshaniye which is a very well-loved and well-loved song, it was very suitable for the message we wanted to convey: celebration, joy and rhythm.

Partner also continues in this advertisement creating hits, colors and a lot of “fun”. Is it true to say that?
Yes. In the end, our advertisements bring the viewers happy and positive news, the newest technology that everyone wants at home, the future. And this is reflected in all of our activity sectors. If it’s fiber, 5G or TV.

Photo: Micah Loubton

What were the reactions you received to the campaign? And was it more of a statement campaign (we have the largest fiber deployment in Israel) or a sales campaign (to join the partner).
We always get the first indication of reactions the morning of the ad, when we distribute it to our employees. And they really liked and connected to the advertisement. And the audience too – first place in memories and favorites, lots of encouraging comments on social networks, the song is running on Tiktok and more. Beyond that, the advertisement is measured not only by recall and sympathy, but also by its positive commercial effect. And we definitely saw an increase in inquiries to the centers and of course in sales, and here is the really important achievement.

What is a good and professional marketing manager in your opinion?
A professional marketing manager in my opinion is responsible for the company’s revenue line. His job is to go through the income file line by line and in each one think about what marketing activity he can do to increase the income there. In addition, its role is to generate demand, to generate a preference that will lead to the purchase of the service or product.

What tip would you give to a marketing manager at the beginning of his career?
Professionally, it is important to learn all the time, develop and look for new ideas everywhere. At the commercial level, it is very important to be connected to the field. Remember that the mind does not sit in one place. More than once in my career the good ideas came from the sales, service and technology people and they just needed to be polished.

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