Repowering of the Colta Basic Hospital in Chimborazo begins – Ministry of Public Health

by time news

Cultured, March 20, 2023

With an investment of USD. 167,698.16 work began to expand the emergency area of ​​the Publio Escobar Basic Hospital in the Colta canton, Chimborazo province, a work that will improve care flows and capacity for the benefit of the population.

Through an inter-institutional cooperation agreement between the Decentralized Autonomous Government (GAD) of the Colta Canton and the Zonal Coordination 3 of the Ministry of Public Health (MSP), more than 340 square meters are intervened to have a new infrastructure in the emergency area from this nursing home. The service provides care to around 45,115 inhabitants.

Construction began on March 20, 2023 and is expected to be completed within 120 days.

“The Colta Hospital is located in a strategic sector, since it is located on the road that connects the Coast with the Sierra. It is important that the authorities analyze the possibility of expanding this hospital to provide timely care to the entire population,” said Edwin Paguay, a user of the Basic Hospital.

For his part, José Avilés, Zonal 3 – Health coordinator, reported that inter-institutional articulation is essential for the strengthening and development of health “Thanks to GAD Colta for their interest and valuable support for health, this investment is focused on expanding an area vital that provides 24-hour care and requires adequate spaces to guarantee quality and immediacy in care.”

Guaranteeing the quality of the infrastructure and health services is a priority for this State portfolio, through the generation of technical standards, in accordance with sectoral policies, quality models and established strategic guidelines.


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