Back pain is the first cause of disability in Mexico

by time news

Most people have experienced back pain at some point in their lives, although in Mexico, the country’s Spinal Column Center has expressed that it has become an exacerbated pandemic.

For its part, the World Health Organization (WHO) has detailed that, in at least 160 countries, low back pain has become the main cause of disability and the most common reason why people are left without work. in Mexico.

Specialized care for back pain is needed in some cases

Although in most cases, back pain disappears after a few days, the Mexico Vertebral Column Center recommends seeking specialized care to avoid the development of more complex conditions in the spine in the following cases:

  • When the pain persists for more than a week.
  • The pain spreads to other parts of the body.
  • If the pain worsens with certain postures or activities.
  • You have numbness, tingling, or weakness in your extremities.
  • You have unexplained weight loss.

For his part, Armando Acevedo, traumatologist and doctor at the Center for the Vertebral Column has expressed that “the health of the spine is essential for the development of daily activities. However, the lack of timely attention can cause pathologies that, in extreme cases, trigger loss of mobility.

Exercising and avoiding tobacco are the best ways to prevent it

To prevent back pain, exercising is the main way to avoid it and prevent the development of pathologies in the spine. Activities such as Pilates, swimming or yoga help strengthen the discs of the spine, avoiding the weakening of the muscles that make it up.

Also, from the Center of the Vertebral Column they point out that it is necessary to implement good eating habits and maintain postural hygiene in optimal conditions. And it is that “spending too many hours of the day sitting or standing is one of the main factors that cause low back pain. The recommendation we make is to take breaks, simple exercise routines and avoid bad postures where the deviation or deformation of the vertebrae is encouraged”, as the organization has pointed out.

Likewise, they have indicated that tobacco consumption is also one of the main triggers of low back pain, for which reason they recommend avoiding its consumption.

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