Zapatero and Baltasar Garzón join the Puebla Group in an act of defense of the condemned Fernández de Kirchner

by time news

The Spanish left continues with the laundering of the condemned Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner showing your support despite being sentenced to six years in prison and perpetual disqualification for a crime of “fraudulent administration to the detriment of the public administration”. Justice estimates that the leftist leader and her accomplices stole 84.835 million pesos from the Argentine treasury, almost 480 million euros at the current exchange rate.

As the Vice President of the Government, Yolanda Díaz, already did, now it is the turn of the former president Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapaterodefender of the most execrable Latin American dictatorships, accompanied, of course, by Balthazar Garzon, the judge removed from the judicial career after having been sentenced by the Supreme Court to eleven years of disqualification for a crime of prevarication committed during the investigation of the Gürtel case. Birds of a feather flock together.

And, paradoxically, they have come together this Tuesday at the 2023 World Forum on Human Rights organized by UNESCO in Buenos Aires. There, former President Zapatero has praised the role of Argentina on its path to democracy.

“The 40 years of democracy have left Argentina a legacy to the world, that of the fight for Human Rights like no country has tried to do: memory, restoration and justice,” the former president said at the meeting. And of course, at such an important event representatives of the Puebla Group could not be missing, a political alliance that works as an unregulated forum of ideas, and that is commanded by far-left political personalities from both Latin America and Spain. Here it was possible to see people as defenders of human rights – worth the irony – such as the former president of Ecuador, Rafael Correa; from Bolivia, Evo Morales; and from Colombia, Ernest Samper.

But Zapatero to his own. It has been reaffirmed that “a country without memory is a country without dignity”, in reference to the Latin American dictatorial processes and how Argentina has led its transition, noting that “the Grandmothers and Mothers of (Plaza de) Mayo are patrimony of the humanity forever.”

The current vice president of Argentina, Cristina Fernández Kirchner, was also present at the closing of the forum, who was able to feel the support of the former Spanish president. “I was shocked that they wanted to kill you. I was shocked for Argentina and for you that political violence returned to this country that fought so hard for a democracy without political violence,” she declared.

“Never in my political career initiate a legal action against my adversaries because I knew that I would beat them at the polls, in Parliament and the public debate that is what to do in a democracy“, Zapatero has highlighted, also making a call to “not judicialize politics, because Justice ends up being politicized”.

It’s the media’s fault

Even the Argentine president, Alberto Fernandezwho was absent at the event, has expressed his support for his vice president and his condemnation of the lawfare: “Neoliberalism is right now attacking the pillars of common life as we know it. We saw it in Bolivia with Evo (Morales) and we saw it in Brazil with Lula (Da Silva), we saw it in Ecuador with the beloved former president ( Rafael) Correa, we see him in Argentina with Cristina Fernández de Kirchner”.

Garzón, in a display of democrat, has come to say that “the media indicates that Cristina is an unworthy person, I say that the unworthy are those who sign that sentence“. “That’s him lawfare: the instrumentalization of the law that subverts the democratic system itself, is the prostitution of the law. It stops being right because it abandons us “, he commented.

“That sentence is a legal aberration. There is not a single piece of evidence in those 1,600 pages,” explained the jurist, who has said that in this condemnatory text “there are only indications” and “presumptions, opinions and arguments that are empty of content, but disseminated by the media groups seem to be conclusive”.

For her part, Cristina Fernández thanked everyone for the support shown at the World Forum on Human Rights and stated that she is not interested in whether they are going to sentence him, but that he is concerned with “building a democratic State in which the guarantees of the Constitution are not painted cardboard”.

“He lawfare cannot be explained without the media. The sentences are written in the media and then a judge and a prosecutor sign them“, he added, assuring that what his government did was “redistribute income and equalize society”, and that, he assures, “they will never forgive us”.

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