The mayor of Villeurbanne prohibits a signing session by Éric Zemmour

by time news

Fallen presidential and legislative candidate, Éric Zemmour does not only have friends in Villeurbanne. The socialist mayor of Villeurbanne (Rhône) Cédric Van Styvendael banned Wednesday by decree the holding of a signing session of Éric Zemmour organized by the Reconquest party, because of the risk of excesses.

The announcement of this event “caused numerous reactions in the media and on social networks, highlighting the existence of a risk of excesses and violence”, indicates the town hall in a press release. The ban was deemed “scandalous” by Agnès Marion, one of the executives of Reconquête in the Rhône, invoking the “fundamental right to express one’s opinion” and the “duty of all elected officials to preserve this fundamental right”. “The motivations go beyond disturbing public order,” she said, denouncing a “sectarian” bias. “We are studying the appeals,” she told AFP.

The city had authorized “a meeting of the Reconquest party on Saturday March 25 in a room of the CCVA (cultural center and associative life) to accommodate a hundred people”, explains the municipal press release. Reconquête then announced the registration of some 600 people, beyond the room’s capacity.

“There is a major gap between what they said and what they are going to do,” notes Cédric Van Styvendael. Moreover, according to him, “this event is not able to take place without risking creating disturbances to public order endangering the safety of people”.

“Eric Zemmour is a hate preacher”

“Everything opposes me to the ideas and values ​​defended by Éric Zemmour. This far-right polemicist who has been convicted several times for provoking racial hatred and racist insults advocates values ​​that are at odds with what makes up the history and identity of Villeurbanne,” added the mayor of the city in a press release. “Living together, tolerance and respect for differences. The entire municipal team is mobilized to translate these humanist values ​​into the actions it carries out on a daily basis. Éric Zemmour is a hate preacher; we are artisans of harmony,” he concludes to justify his decision in other words.

Public order was indeed potentially endangered. Thus, the anti-fascist group “La Jeune Garde”, very active in Lyon, called for actions against the signing session on social networks. The mayor also evokes the “particular” situation of the country, with the police “already particularly mobilized” for the demonstrations against the pension reform.

Cédric Van Styvendael adds that he “remains firmly committed to freedom of expression and freedom of assembly”, mentioning the possibility for Reconquête to reserve the municipal hall. The arrival of Éric Zemmour for the promotion of his latest book “I did not say my last word” had already caused a strong reaction among the political parties and trade unions of Villeurbanne, a city deeply rooted on the left. The PCF had “condemned” his presence, LFI had “strongly opposed” it.

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