The 3 most common aesthetic treatments in men

by time news
  • The International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery affirms that Mexico is among the first five countries with the most aesthetic treatments.
  • More and more men resort to this type of intervention to modify some part of their body or face.
  • A problem in Mexico is the proliferation of fake plastic surgeons who not only commit a crime but also endanger the integrity of patients.

Conventionally, it is thought that aesthetic treatments are exclusive to women, although in reality this is not the case. In recent years, this type of intervention has captured the attention of men and today it is quite common to see men go to receive this type of service. In any of the cases, it is necessary to remember that only certified health professionals can carry out this type of intervention.

Today aesthetic care has become synonymous with lifestyle. Proof of this is that according to the latest data released by the International Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS), Mexico is among the first five countries that have registered a higher percentage of aesthetic procedures.

In this growth, male demand has gained great importance. Concerned about showing off radiant skin, they look for options to achieve a youthful appearance, but above all a healthy one thanks to the aesthetic technology.

The most common aesthetic treatments in men

But, what are the most effective and, above all, least invasive treatments? Yolnicte BassavCEO of Dermo Health, revealed the aesthetic treatments that are most common among men.

  • Tattoo removal: Making marks on the skin for life is a custom that is in full expansion. At the same time, many times the result is not as expected or simply the regret is greater. For the same reason, it has also become common to remove the pigment found in the dermis.
  • Scar fading: Whether it’s due to accidents, work issues, or simply a pimple breakout, men tend to have scarred skin.
  • Lipo and facial rejuvenation: It is basically doing liposuction of the double chin to improve the contour of the face and help us define the edge in the jaw area. Among the results is the profiling of the face, elimination of the double chin, tightening of the skin and definition of the cheekbones, jaw and chin.

Who should perform aesthetic treatments?

On the other hand, one of the most serious problems facing countries like Mexico is the proliferation of fake plastic surgeons. Sometimes they are general practitioners who have only taken courses or seminars that lack official validity. And in another they are not even doctors but falsify their documents to deceive patients.

Therefore, the best recommendation is to only go with a doctor who has the subspecialty of Plastic Surgery and must also be certified. This ensures that you have the necessary knowledge to perform an operation.

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