When your vaginal discharge has blood and you are not on your period

by time news

He flow is a great parameter of our intimate health. The problem is when anomalies appear on it, such as the presence of a green tone or blood stains. What could it mean to have a bloody vaginal discharge if we are not menstruating?

It’s a normal day, even routine one could say, until you go to the bathroom and discover an unexpected stain on your panties: discharge with blood; but why if the period hasn’t arrived yet?

For any woman, this would cause alarm but according to Alfonso Murillo, a specialist in Gynecology and Obstetrics, in some cases the presence of blood in that area is normal.

“Example, it can be part of the tissue lining the uterus and that comes off month after month (in other words, it is residue from the previous menstruation)”, comments the expert in an interview for Salud180.

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What does the stream contain?

Typically, the discharge is made up of water, mucus, and cellular debris (sloughed tissue), but sometimes there’s an extra element: blood.

Bloody discharge outside of period?

The presence of discharge with bloode outside the menstrual period can be a symptom of various medical conditions. Some of the most common causes are:

1-Infections. The vaginosis bacteriana or yeast infection can cause vaginal irritation and bleeding. Sexually transmitted infections such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, and herpes genital they can also cause abnormal vaginal bleeding.

2-Injuries. Any type of injury to the vagina or cervixsuch as a scratch or tear, can cause bleeding.

3-Cervical polyps. Cervical polyps are growths on the cervix that can cause vaginal bleeding.

4- Uterine fibroids. The fibroids They are non-cancerous growths that can cause vaginal bleeding.

5-Cervical cancer: It is a form of cancer that can cause vaginal bleeding, especially after having sex.

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Causes of bloody vaginal discharge

If you notice blood on your vaginal discharge There are other causes, the specialist Murillo reveals some of them:

1. Inflammation due to bacterial infection (parasites).

2. Sexual intercourse (especially when there was previously the presence of inflamed tissues).

3. Coagulation problems.

4. Low doses of hormones; Although it is not frequent, it can occur when oral contraceptives are used.

5. Use of the IUD (Intrauterine Device).

6. Beet consumption; By pigmenting the urine or feces, they can slightly stain the discharge, giving it a red color.

How do I know if my bleeding is due to an infection?

He vaginal bleeding It can be a symptom of an infection, but it’s not enough to determine whether or not you have one. Other signs that you could experience and indicate the presence of one are:

1-Abnormal vaginal discharge, such as a thick, white or yellowish discharge with an unpleasant odor.

2-Itching, burning or vaginal irritation.

3-Pain during sexual intercourse.

4-Pain or discomfort when urinating.

If you experience any of these signs along with vaginal bleeding, you may have a vaginal infection. The only way to be sure is to consult a doctor or health professional. The doctor might perform a pelvic exam and taking a sample of vaginal discharge to analyze it in a laboratory and determine if you have an infection.

It is important to get treatment if you have a vaginal infection, as they can cause complications if not treated properly.

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How is the bleeding of uterine cancer?

Uterine cancer is a type of cancer that begins in the lining of the uterus. Vaginal bleeding is one of the common symptoms of uterine cancer, but not all women with uterine cancer have bleeding.

When the bleeding, It is usually abnormal and different from normal menstrual bleeding. For example, bleeding may occur after menopause, or it may be heavier, longer, or irregular than normal menstrual bleeding. It can also occur between menstrual periods.

It is important to highlight that the abnormal vaginal bleeding It is not always a sign of uterine cancer, as it can be caused by other gynecological conditions, such as uterine fibroids, cervical polyps, or infections. But if you have abnormal vaginal bleeding, especially if you’re postmenopausal, it’s important to see a doctor so they can do a full evaluation and determine the cause of the bleeding.

The early detection of uterine cancer it increases the chances of successful treatment, so it’s important to seek medical attention if you have unusual or worrisome symptoms.

Remember, “when it is bleeding out of time (other than menstruation) or is abnormal in quantity, that is, very abundant. It is enough to go to the gynecologist, ”says Murillo.

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