The Mexican Foreign Minister announces that he “is prepared” to be the next president of the country

by time news


The Mexican Foreign Minister, Marcelo Ebrard, has assured that he is ready to be the next president of Mexico in the face of the general elections scheduled for 2024, and has assured that he is “the only successor” to the current president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

“I am not an enigma, he already knows it,” he expressed in an interview on Radio Formula, stressing his support for the current president. “I have known him for 25 or 26 years, we have always been close in very difficult things. Even competing, like in 2011″, when López Obrador defeated him in the electoral race to be the candidate of the Democratic Revolution Party (PRD), ” without ever betraying him”.

“I am prepared and I am looking for the candidacy for the party in which I am a member, for the cause that I have defended. And I am sure that I can and I will win that poll,” added the politician, who hopes to be the candidate of the National Regeneration Movement (also known as Morena).

During his time at the head of the Government in Mexico City, he has stated, he completed a “common plan” with López Obrador on social and security matters, something that he plans to be one of the key points of his campaign.

He has also detailed his intention to expand the Mexican middle class, “very quickly, in this decade”, in order to also avoid the aging of its population.

Ebrard has published an autobiography, ‘El camino de México’ (Aguilar, 2023), with which it is believed that he is beginning to pave the way for his future candidacy for the presidency in the 2024 Mexican general elections.

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