Ugo Tognazzi, the story of his great loves (and of his extended family)

by time news

«He was twenty years ahead, ours was perhaps the first extended family. And yet, at Christmas, he wanted us all to gather around the table, his wives, us children of three different mothers. And it wasn’t a fake date, we all cared about each other, we were happy together in those Christmases ». Speaking – in this interview published in 2022 on Sette – are the four children of Ugo Tognazzi, the sacred monster of Italian cinema who was born in Cremona on March 23, 1922: Ricky, the eldest, son of Pat O’Hara; Thomas, son of Margrete Robsham and Maria Sole and Gianmarco, born from the union with Franca Bettoia. Four children born to three different women.

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