The Government confirms that “talks have begun” on the handover to Morocco of the air control of the Sahara

by time news

The government of Pedro Sanchez It is already negotiating with Morocco to hand over to the Alaouite monarchy the management of the airspace of the Occidental Saharathe territory that was part of Spain until just a few decades ago and on which the head of the Executive has carried out a surprising and unexplained change in position Spanish history.

This new assignment, which was announced by LD, has been confirmed in a written parliamentary response to questions from the Canarian senator Fernando Clavijo: “Conversations with Morocco in this area have started” the statement says.

Some conversations that according to the same text “are limited to airspace management and coordination between both parties in order to achieve greater security in the connections and technical cooperation”, affirms the Government.

The airspace of the Sahara is managed up to now and for decades from the Canary Islands, as established by the International Civil Aviation Organization, located in the UN.

Part of the “road map”

The statement itself acknowledges that the aforementioned negotiation is “in compliance with point 7 of the Joint Declaration of April 7“, known as the “road map” of the new relationship between Spain and Morocco agreed in 2022 after the aforementioned political turn of Pedro Sánchez.

This roadmap was established after the meeting held in Rabat by Pedro Sánchez and the King of Morocco, Mohamed VI, in April 2022, in which the Spanish Government intended to start a new stage in relations between the two countries. At that meeting, a controversial joint declaration was signed that contained several transfers from Spain without any compensation from the Moroccan side. For example, in the aforementioned point seven it was stated that “conversations will begin on the management of airspaces”, something whose importance he already denounced digital freedom in early February.

For his part, in an interview with Europa Press, the Polisario Front delegate in Spain, Abdulah Arabi, already expressed his concern about possible negotiations regarding air and maritime space, a concern that has now become a reality.

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