You should pay attention to this when eating meat

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Von: Michelle Mantey

A recent study confirms that by avoiding certain types of meat, numerous colon cancer diseases could be avoided.

Frankfurt – According to the German Cancer Society, colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer in Germany. Some foods can promote colon cancer, including red meat. That’s why a German Study is now investigating how reducing and avoiding red meat affects gut health. Several hundred thousand cases are avoidable. It also depends on the method of preparation.

According to the Every year, 33,000 men and 28,000 women in Germany are diagnosed with colon cancer. Digestive problems or pain during bowel movements can be the first signs of colon cancer. The risk often increases after the age of 50. It is therefore important to keep appointments for early cancer detection. If the cancer is detected early, it can be treated quickly. A conscious diet can also help to reduce the risk of cancer. According to the research, a total of 270,000 cases could be avoided between 2020 and 2050 by not eating red meat.

Reduce the risk of colon cancer: you should pay attention to this when consuming meat

In a simulation study, the research team examined the potential development of colorectal cancer cases in Germany over a period of 30 years. Those who don’t want to give up red, processed meat can also reduce their risk of cancer by cutting back on a serving or two per day. One serving corresponds to a quantity of eleven grams. The evaluations showed that by reducing the consumption of red meat, the number of cases of colon cancer could be reduced by 68,000 or 140,000 by 2050.

The latest studies have shown that meat can cause colon cancer © H.Tschanz-Hofmann/IMAGO

Meat consumption is particularly high in Germany. According to the researchers, an average of 38 grams of red meat and 46 grams of processed meat are consumed daily. Their calculations showed that consuming 100 grams of red meat per day increased the risk by 12 percent. If you eat 50 grams of processed meat a day, the risk even increases by 16 percent. But what exactly is processed meat?

You should pay attention to this in order to reduce the risk of colon cancer

The term “processed meat” means meat that has been salted, fermented, smoked, or cured. This happens in particular when meat is processed into sausages or sausages in order to preserve them. In addition, these meat products often contain flavor enhancers, colorings and additional salt and fat. According to the consumer center and the German Society for Nutrition (DGE), the following factors should be considered when buying meat:

  • Unprocessed red meat such as beef, pork, sheep, horse or goat is less carcinogenic than processed red meat. Nevertheless, this meat is considered “probably carcinogenic” and should only be consumed in small amounts
  • Cooking and frying at low temperature: Excessively high temperatures can develop carcinogenic substances. This can also happen when frying on an open flame
  • White instead of red meat such as chicken or turkey, studies have not shown an increase in the risk of cancer

In addition, the research team for colon cancer prevention recommends a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle with exercise and abstinence from alcohol and nicotine. Excessive sugar consumption can also have a negative effect on the intestinal flora. (mima)

Editor’s note

The information given in this article does not replace a visit to a doctor. Only experts can make the right diagnosis and initiate appropriate therapy. The intake of medication or dietary supplements should be discussed with a doctor beforehand.

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