Tamil News | If the second line looks thin, is it pregnant..or not…?

by time news
A few days delay is enough for women who are expecting pregnancy. Immediately buy a pregnancy test kit (pregnancy test kit) and are you pregnant? As many will test at home; Then only go to the doctor. At the test, if a line comes out, it is not pregnant; If two lines appear, pregnancy is easily detected. But when the second line is sometimes very faintly visible between the two, great confusion can arise. If one line is usually thick and the other line is thin, it is referred to as a faint line pregnancy (faint line on pregnancy).

As soon as you buy the pregnancy test kit, you should first check the expiry date. When the test is conducted after the specified period of time, it is possible to show wrong result. The test kit has two lines in English letter C (Control) and D (Test). The first line may appear at this ‘C’ when testing with a drop of your urine. It should show a streak within five minutes of testing. Then it means that this card is quality.

In the test, if a line appears during the ‘T’ period, it means that she is pregnant, and if there is no line, then she is not currently pregnant. But sometimes the line between the two may be faintly visible in the second period. In medicine, this is referred to as weekly positive pregnancy (weakly positive pregnancy). That means there is an 80 percent chance of getting pregnant. Therefore, pregnancy cannot be confirmed.

For those who have regular menstrual cycles, they can do a home test 35 to 40 days after their last period. However, such a thin line is likely to be visible when the test is done before the specified period of time. When a person becomes pregnant, the body starts producing HCG hormone. As the fetus grows, the level of this hormone also increases. Only if there is enough HCG in the urine, the dark pink streak may be visible. In earlier tests, the line may be blurred due to fluctuating levels of hCG.
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In such an environment wait for another 10 days and then test. On the other hand, if both the lines are blurred, you should buy a new card and check it again. Further, consulting a doctor can easily get clarification through blood test.

Unexpectedly, some people may have two lines after the abrasion, when checked two weeks later. Pregnancy hormones may remain in the body for a period of time, at least a month, even after abortion. So, we should follow the doctor’s advice without doubting whether we are pregnant.

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