Sausage and meat consumption plays this role

by time news
  • Colon cancer risk increases with high sausage and meat consumption
  • Current study by the German Cancer Research Center: 270,000 cases of colon cancer would be preventable
  • risk factors for sausage and meat: Heme iron, manufacture, preparation
  • Prevent cancer with the right diet: What experts recommend

Red meat and sausages have been on the table since 2015 WHO list of carcinogenic substances. An actual Study by the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) now underpins these results. Among other things, they calculated how much it affects the rate of new cases of colon cancer if people eat less red and processed meat.

Study on colorectal cancer risk: 270,000 cases of colorectal cancer would be preventable

The researchers come to the following conclusions: “In summary, reducing the consumption of red and processed meat would most likely have a modest but non-negligible positive impact on colorectal cancer incidence in Germany, with approximately 205,000 (processed meat) and 63,000 (red meat) preventable cases in 2020-2050.” nearly 270,000 cases prevented.

Why is meat so bad for us? For one, here would be the risk factor heme iron to call. Red and processed meat contain high amounts of iron or ferrous iron. The body can absorb this very well, but cannot stop this process in large quantities. As a result, too much of it gets into our blood. This excess iron is then deposited in the pancreas, liver and spleen, putting a strain on the organs. In addition, heme iron can promote mutations in intestinal cells via certain chemical compounds. Cancer cells are “fed” with heme iron, so to speakas nutritionist Matthias Riedl explains. Malignant cells have a high requirement for this form of the trace element. A high consumption of heme iron therefore leads to existing cancer cells growing faster. Other foods, such as alcohol, can also “feed” cancer cells.

The daily iron requirement of 15 milligrams for women and 10 milligrams for men can also be easily covered with plant-based foods. Lentils and chickpeas, for example, provide 2.7 milligrams per 100 grams, millet contains 6.9 milligrams per 100 grams.

Risk factors in sausage and meat: production and preparation

In addition to heme iron, the production of meat pose a risk of cancer. For example, salting causes Nitrosamine. These substances can cause promote cancer. Above all, they increase that colorectal cancer risk. The DKFZ researchers therefore suggest thinking about different manufacturing techniques in order to avoid or reduce harmful compounds in processed meat.

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With the strong heating meat several are formed at the same time potentially harmful substancesincluding so-called polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH)die heterocyclic aromatic amines (HAA) as well as N-nitroso compounds. Further studies are needed to determine how much the risk of colon cancer can be reduced by cooking at lower temperatures, avoiding open flames or removing burnt parts of red meat.

Reduce cancer risk with diet

Even the healthiest lifestyle cannot protect us 100 percent from cancer. Nevertheless, proper nutrition plays a crucial role in preventing cancer in general. The experts at the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) have been recommending the following for beef, lamb and pork, sausages for years: Red meat should be a maximum of three servings per week come to the table. This corresponds to about 350 to a maximum of 500 grams. You should be particularly economical with processed meat, i.e. all sausage products.

Whole grains, vegetables, fruits and legumes should form the basis of your daily diet turn off. The scientists recommend 400 grams of vegetables and fruit and at least 30 grams of fiber. Also should be possible Fast food and industrially processed foods are avoided. They contain a lot of fat, sugar and starch, which can lead to obesity. Especially for men, ready meals should be eaten sparingly with regard to the risk of colon cancer.

The experts also recommend unsweetened drinksto meet your fluid needs, i.e. water, tea or coffee without sugar. They warn: “Fruit juices should not be consumed in large quantities as, even without added sugar, they are likely to promote weight gain similar to sugar-sweetened drinks.” To prevent cancer, experts continue to advise on to abstain from alcohol. Alcohol is considered to be the cause of various types of cancer.

Are you interested in the topics of “cancer diseases”, “prevention” and “treatment options”? You can find more information here:

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