win the race on climate change

by time news

On Saturday, March 25 at 8:30 p.m., on the occasion of Earth Hour, hundreds of millions of people and thousands of companies and institutions, in more than 190 countries, will turn off the light for sixty minutes as symbolic gesture to claim the importance of the fight against climate change.

Until that day, during the month of March, our country will try to break the record of the last edition of the initiative #KMPorElPlaneta With which they managed to go around the Earth seven complete times and add 280,000 kilometers.

The WWF environmental NGOwith more than sixty years of history, promotes the #KMPorElPlaneta challenge, which consists of a free virtual race and tailored to the goal that each person setswith which through sports values, such as effort and teamwork, it is demonstrated that adding small gestures can win the most important race, overcome the climate crisis.

The mechanics are easy and free: until March 25 in earth hour add the distance you are going to do or have done this month, add the chosen sport (running, swimming, skating, cycling, or walking!), challenge other people and the Saturday 25, between 8:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m., don’t forget to turn off the light. You can add km more than once, in different disciplines and individually or with a professional or amateur sports club.

“The next seven years are crucial in determining whether we stay within our planetary limits, below the 1.5°C climate threshold. We need to reach 2030 with more nature”, declares Enrique Segovia, Director of Conservation of WWF Spain. “We need urgent action now more than ever, because time is running against us.” Therefore, we are going to review some ideas.

This campaign was born in 2007 as a symbolic gesture to draw attention to the problem of climate change. At that time, the environmental NGO WWF proposed a symbolic gesture that consisted of turning off the lights of buildings and monuments in cities for one hour. This campaign, which celebrates its sixteenth edition on March 25, 2023, is already a global movement that unites millions of people from all over the planet, as well as sports clubs, cities and companies, launching a message of unity in the fight against climate change and biodiversity loss.

It is a symbolic challenge. We live the most important race of our lives. We must halve C02 emissions by 2030! We have a great challenge ahead of us and we must hurry. We can win this time trial against the climate emergency! We invite you to participate in #KMPorElPlaneta. A virtual race with which, through sport and its values, we will demonstrate that with effort and the sum of all, we can achieve goals that seem impossible. The challenge is great: overcome the seven laps around the planet before March 25. Last year, in its first edition, this great record was reached. In 2023 we have to go for more.

It’s free and easy… it only requires your desire and your strides. It is a symbol of your commitment to the defense of the environment. We need clean air and magnificent landscapes to explore! You just have to go to and add the kilometers you have done or are going to do this month.

  • Take a photo or record a video (preferably wearing the WWF bib/shirt) encouraging you to participate in #KMPorElPlaneta
  • Post it in your RRSS
  • Challenge two athletes you know by mentioning them in your post.

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