Left side abdominal pain: 6 possible causes

by time news

One of the most frequent discomforts that we have is usually pain in the abdominal area, and although this pain is often associated with minor discomforts such as gas due to a poor diet, it is also important to stay alert, especially if it is a abdominal pain on the left side.

Fortunately we live in a time when we can quickly consult the symptoms of what bothers us to try to understand how our body works; However, this curiosity should NEVER replace medical treatment or diagnosis.

Therefore, despite the fact that we can tell you about some possible causes of abdominal pain on the left side, the most important thing is that if you have severe or constant discomfort in this area, go for a review with a professional.

Why does the left side of my abdomen hurt?

Left side abdominal pain: 6 possible causes. Photo: iStock

Many times the causes of abdominal pain depend on the area where the discomfort occurs, in the case of left sided abdominal pain sometimes it is related to problems like intestinal inflammation o constipationHowever, it can also be a more severe problem such as kidney stones, diverticulitis or endometriosis.

Other consequences derived from abdominal pain could end in bloody stools, weight loss, vomiting or jaundice.

It is recommended that you go for a review if you have any abdominal discomfort, however, to satisfy your curiosity and provide you with information that you may not have known, we will tell you more about the left side of your abdomen, since pain is often confused on this side. zone with appendicitis.

He abdominal pain of the left side has relation with intestinal inflammation o constipation. However, it could also be due to other issues like endometriosis, kidney stones o diverticulitis.

What organ do we have on the left side?

On the left side, above the abdomen, the spleen is found. This organ It is the size of a fist and is part of the lymphatic system, which is responsible for balancing fluids in the body, as well as preventing and fighting infections.

While it is true that a person can live without a spleen, it is important to keep it healthy, as it is a fundamental organ for fighting infections. According to the National Library of Medicinein case there is a lack of this organ, usually the liver is capable of carrying out some of its functions.

In addition to the spleen, on the left side we also have the pancreas, an organ responsible for generating enzymes that help digestion, as well as producing insulin for sugar processing.

Causes of abdominal pain on the left side:

  • kidney stones: Although it is unlikely that the pain in the abdomen on the left side has to do with kidney stones, the possibility should not be ruled out. Any pain experienced in that area could spread. If the kidney stones are small they do not cause inconveniencebut if they are large, they could cause a lot of pain.
  • Diverticulitis: It happens when the diverticula (bowel bags) become inflamed and cause pain. In addition there is fever, inflammation of the abdomeninterspersed constipation and diarrhea, loss of appetite and dizziness.
  • Gastroenteritis: Caused by a viral or bacterial infection. This condition causes fever, vomiting, nausea, or diarrhea.
  • Indigestion: He pain It occurs after eating food, but there may also be burning, bloating, gas, and nausea.
  • stomach ulcers: Caused by some medications or a stomach infection. It is distinguished by being a sudden pain that worsens as time goes by. The stools are dark in color and there may be blood in the vomit.
  • Pancreatitis: This gland is located behind the stomach and can become inflamed as a result of excessive alcohol consumption. He pain it can be acute or severe; in addition to loss of appetite, vomiting or body discomfort.

If he left sided abdominal pain it is experienced by a woman; In addition to the aforementioned causes, it could also be due to:

  • Menstrual cramps
  • Ectopic pregnancy
  • Endometriosis
  • ovarian cysts

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To feel abdominal pain of the left side it doesn’t have to be normal. It could indicate a bigger problem. It is important that you go to the doctor so that he can do a detailed review and thus rule out a more delicate health situation.

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