Biden pledges extensive aid to tornado-affected states | News from Germany on world events | Dw

by time news

US President Joe Biden called the tornadoes that hit a number of American states the largest in the history of the United States and assured the regions affected by the disaster to provide them with unlimited assistance. At the same time, he called on the Americans to unite. The American leader said this on Saturday, December 11, in Wilmington (Delaware).

“This is probably one of the largest tornadoes in our history,” Biden said. “This is a tragedy, and we still do not know how many people died, and the total amount of damage.”

“I promise you that the federal authorities will find a way to provide everything that is required,” the head of the White House assured, addressing directly to the affected states. “We’ll get through this together,” Joe Biden said and added, “This is one of those times when we are not Democrats or Republicans. Sounds like an exaggeration, but this is reality. We are all Americans.”

Kentucky declared emergency situation

The President of the United States announced the introduction of an emergency situation (ES) in the state of Kentucky in the southeastern United States, which was hit hardest by the tornado. Due to this, federal aid will be allocated there on an expedited basis.

Kentucky Governor Andy Besheer fears that in his state alone, the death toll will exceed 100.

The amount of destruction in Kentucky has surpassed all initial concerns, Besheer said during a visit to the disaster area. According to him, the tornadoes left behind a line of destruction 200 miles (320 km) long: on their way everything disappeared – houses, shops, industrial enterprises.

According to the National Weather Service, on the night of Saturday, December 11 (local time), it received 36 reports of tornadoes in six states – Kentucky, Illinois, Tennessee, Missouri, Arkansas and Mississippi.

A series of tornadoes is still the last natural disaster in a series of natural disasters that have recently become more frequent in the United States. President Biden considers them a consequence of climate change, the fight against which the American leader has made one of his policy priorities.

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